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Saw the Scorpion King yesterday!

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Definetly not a cerebral movie but that's not what it's made for....It's got THE ROCK! Woohoo! He plays his part well in this movie. None of the lame half-scorpion-man stuff. Just all-warrior. My one and only gripe with the movie is that the Sorceress was prety weak magic wise. She should have done more magic. She should have been labeled a Seer for what little she did. Oh, she does have one good scene but anybody with proper training could have done that. It's was still pretty good tho.

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What you would call it DosFreak more of a Love Story or Action Flick?.

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Action. It's hinted at a little bit that the Rock/Sorceress get together (well more than a little bit hinted wink ) but they barely show any of that. It's action all the way through!

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Can you smell...what the rock...is cookin'! wink

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Well....seen it last nite.


I thought it was a little bland.


Heh....I thought he was gonna command scorpions and stuff...O well.

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