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Creative GeForce on w2k ???

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My problem : I tried to install my new Creative Annihilator GeForce 256, on a

2128 release of Win 2000. On my computer, it doesn't work with any drivers

(Detonator 3.53 or 3.56). Installation don't make a problems, but after

rebooting, and after the Win 2000 starting screen, when i'm expecting to see

my desktop, my screen becomes black, and my keboard doesn't answer. I

have to do a hard reset. Do you know if anyone have the same problems ?

Bart ps : my config is dual celeron 500 on a Abit BP6 128Mo of ram, 13.5Go

IBM HD, SB Live player 1024... see you

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you can send me the card and Ill try it out for u on my BP6 smile.gif!!! The default setting for the refreshrate or resolution was to high for ur monitor to handle so when u reboot go to safe mode which should load up and a very crappy and ghetto resoltuion but it should work. And from there you can select a usable resolution thats acceptable to your monitor.


if that doesnt work post again

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That is not the problem. There is a problem with a capacitor on the card. If you mail it to me I will fix it and send if back. It is what allow you to see desktop icons if Window 2000 only. You will not get this problem in win98 so your card will appear to be working correctly......hehehe( please allow 6-8 months for shipping.....)hehehe


The 3.53 drivers are the only ones I got to work with Win2k build 2160. The 3.56 I got no AGP support.

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thanks wink.gif


...but it's not a refreshing rate. My Iiyama 702HT supports up to 1600x1200.


i'll try with a newer release, 2170 or RC3 when it will be out...

About Detonator's 3.56, it'strange they don't support AGP ?!?

Most recent video cards works on AGP so..



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