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cd copy question

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in order to copy a cd using clone cd or some other program,should the source disk be read by the cd-rom or the cd-writer ??


is there a difference ?




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Weeeelll, how do you copy a CD if the original is in the CD-writer and the blank disk in the CD- ROM ?? That, my friend would be revolutionary if you do it directly.


OK, OK, you could of course do an ISO file etc, but jokes aside, Clone CD does not work with all CD-writers, check their site for a list of supported drives.



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If you want to do "On-the-Fly" copying (writing to the blank as it reads from the original) then you would either want to put the original in a different CD-ROM or find one of those revolutionary units that DH was referring to. Also, if you were to do OTF copying you will probably need to have the units on different channels if they are both IDE drives. Now, if you have a disk that is proving hard to copy (sometimes this happens with game CDs and disks that have been inadvertently scratched), then your best chance might be to have original read from the burner to a temp file on the hard drive, and then burned back to a blank once the read is done. Nero Burning ROM gives quite a few options in this regard as well, and I have used it for some of my trickier reads in the past while a friend of mine used it to make backup/traveling copies of his Playstation games.

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Check to see what Clone CD reports the capabilities of each drive. Especially if it can do DAO Raw mode.

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yes....but dao raw is a writing mode (so i understood).

i wanna copy a cd not on the fly.will the cd-rom and the cd-writer produce the same image file ??

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I make all my CD images with my Plextor CDR. I recommend you do the same. CDR's are made for that purpose while ordinary CD reader's just read and usually do not have the advanced reading capabilities of CDR's. Now if your CDR is reaaalllyy ancient and your CD Reader is REAALLLYYY new then your CD Reader could possibile produce a better image but it's doubtful. Just download CloneCD and check it's Help file for your CDR's capabilities. CloneCD itself can also tell you the capabilities of both CD drives when you load it up and check the log.

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yes....but dao raw is a writing mode (so i understood).

Oh yeah, now I remember. I was thinking of CDRWIN where it will tell you if the drive can read subcodes. DosFreak is right, 90% of the time you will want to use the burner to read your disk to an image, then burn the image to a blank.

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