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Jordan Shaw

Is there _ANY_ direct3d support?

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Yah.. I have a TNT and a Voodoo2 SLI rig.. And I was wonder if there was ANY way I could get true Direct3d running on my system? OpenGL works fine, Glide works fine. D3D? Nada.


I have RC2 build 2128.

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do u fellas jsut post and not read anything at all? first of all wtf is "true d3d" if u got d3d u got it if not then u dont, there aint no true and false stuff.



goto that link.... after u read all that there are some good fellas by the name of chameleon and Seldzar who booth got some good pages with info to help you.

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I just ran Unreal Tournament, in Direct3d, and also Drakan: Order of the Flame.


The graphics weren't great, but they ran. I was just astounded. smile.gif


Oh, I'm using the 3.53 Det ref drivers.

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Dear Jim.K


Why do you repriment everyboby?

Please don't forgett that all of us are individual,which mean that every post of the same topic could have different understanding behind.



you don't know what real 3d mean, but for me it say that all 3d -features which are implemented ind DX6-7 .( see the specification feature list DX6).

It depents alos on you card.

this is a international forum and for me it is normal to have some missunderstandings


e.g. "it is a fake dx....".

I am not an english man and my dictionary says fake = simulaion.For my it dont devale any work or intelligence of anyone.


please don't be hurt so fast smile.gif



best regasds

& nice day/night ?



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heh there seems to be some miscommunication, I do not reprimend everybody, hardly anybody smile.gif. I advice those people who ask random questions which have been previously answered NUMEROUS times.


I am an american citizen born in New Jersey USA, but raised abroad my whole life and my english isnt half as good as most Americans either. I practice though, I practice like a mad man smile.gif


There is no such thing as real 3d. Either u have d3d or u dont. This is what he should have staed, I have an slirig with a tnt1 runninr rc2 and no d3d capabilites. True 3D is a VERY misleading statement that gives us lil room for any help. Then he later solved his own problem which was the VERY basic answer all over the net USE 3.52+ DETONATORE DRIVERS!!! smile.gif


so you see this was an unwarranted waste of time for u me and hiomself as well. and otehrs who are reading this smile.gif

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Ok seeing as how everyone keeps saying that if you cant find out how to get D3d working in w2k you shouldnt be running a beta then i guess i should revert back to win95.. but one last try to get a straight answer...


I have a Celeron 366 oc'd to 550 on a Abit BP6 mobo w/ a lame 64mb ram... a viper 330 (riva 128zx) video card and a sb64 gold sound card. I'm runnign build 2170 and have the full retail DX7 running on it. everything seems to work just fine.


When i run dXdiag the "Direct3d Acceleration:" under the DirectX Features on the display tab allways says "not available". I can run the Direct 3d Test all day long... but w/o the direct acceleration most of my games wont run.


So tell me, thought i spend about 1/2 an hour a day reading this site do i have "True Direct3d Support" or am i limited to software support for direct3d only. And if i only have the software end of it how do i get my damn d3d accelerator to accelerate my shi#, I WANT TO PLAY EVERQUEST ;-)

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oh yeah.. forgot something... it also says AGP Support: not available i have an AGP Card, obviously, the riva128 came in AGP only, i think

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Basically, NO you don't have d3d. I'm not sure about DV 330, is it tnt? if so do you have the 3.53+ drivers (3.53 works better than 3.56 for me) if not, go get em!

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Two things.


1. Just because DXDIAG says you have final DX7 don't make it so. Unless you've d/l'd and installed the DX7 final update, you don't have DX7 final.


2. Which driver revision are you using? Does your Riva128 driver claim DX7 compatability?

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