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permissions setup in XP

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There is one disadvantage going NTFS and that is loosing the ability to access the HD from DOS (-floppy). Yes, I know there is a recovery console, yes, I know there are utilities to circumvent this. Still, nothing beats a good ol' bootdisk when you want to tinker with things.

For most home users the security, permissions and disk quotas are not really that relevant. In an office enviroment they might be, but at home ?

So why do I find the DOS disk so important ? First of all, it gives you an opportunity to fix things in your windows install (check out all the threads on locked files, undeletable directories etc). Also, for some tasks DOS is pretty handy, for example the easiest way to defrag the page file is simply deleting it in DOS.

Screw DOS floppies. Download yourself a copy of the tomsrtbt single floppy Linux and use that instead. Works for me. As for defragging the page file thats easily solved by making sure the thing doesn't get fragged in the first place by making it a constant size shortly after installing NT/2k/XP.

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Ya i have no worry about that floppy stuff your talking about, and as for Paolo, when i said that about the FTP i was talking about say ppl not in my home network accessing it, within a home network its fine, but everything now is straighted out for me and i beleive i have a good understanding of NTFS and permissions and stuff, and i thank all you ppl for the help.





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Files have a tendancy to corrupt under FAT32. NTFS also doesn't suffer lost clusters.

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