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DirectX 9.0 Beta

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Look like we be seeing DirectX 9.0 Beta 1 very soon.

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Yeah i remember signing up for it, no email from ms for me though frown

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I declined to take part in that particular beta, don't know why, must have had good reason, maybe I'll try reapplying smile


WinXP SP1 beta starts within the next couple of weeks to, an interesting beta test phase coming up.

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Unless you are a developer, you're really not going to see much (if any) difference in DirectX 9. Most of the changes are to fix development problems that exist in DirectX 8 and provide easier ways for developers to manipulate certain things.

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They need to make a directx that looks as 'nice' and as crisp as opengl.

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Are 9x users, particularly 98/ME users, allowed to take part in this beta test? Will DX9 be released in a 98/ME version?


Microsoft have made their intentions for that OS line quite clear and with stuff like IE6, DirectX 8.1 and Office XP and upgrade versions of Windows XP already refusing to install on Win95 they're showing that they mean business.

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well you cant really blame em, they finally make a standard OS that does what both NT and 9x can do (supposedly) and they need to push ppl into dropping 9x smile would be alot easier for them just supporting NT.


i would think that there must be a 9x version of dx9 though.

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I don't blame them, I applaud the move. Killing off 9x is long overdue and quite possibly the best decision M$ have ever made.

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It depends. M$ have effectively committed themselves (unless they change the Lifecycle Guidelines) to ME until at least December next year. If they release DX9 in that time there is a possibility that a version that only installs on ME will be released. More than likely however is that they'll use it a tool to leverage any luddites still using 98/ME to upgrade to 2k/XP. I can't say I agree completely with such strongarm tactics but if it weans them off Win9x it can't be all bad...

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We will not know in tell they start the first beta in tell then it iff question to weather or not they will be support the Win9x OS.

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Seems to me the perfect opportunity to kill of Win9x.

Start releasing "Must Have" features and programs that will only run on the latest OS's.

It makes for a sound business practice, companies cannot afford to support all previous versions of their programs and I think Win95 users have been lucky to still have support up until now.

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