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Space Cowboy

A New Problem New Error Message

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Ok..after all the probs with wifes pc,i finally reformatted..1st.for some reason i cant access windows update..says security may be set to high,or i didnt select yes when trying to let MS access..some crap..i tried resetting security to low,still no go..now..when i reboot i get a error message i have NEVER seen...




"Windows could not start because of an error in the software.

please report this problem :

load needed DLLs for Kernel.

Please contact yoiur support person to report this problem"




./me starts loading up the pistol,as this machine is driving me crazy!



i did a dual boot of xp..and edited the boot ini to say moms on one os load,and kids on other..both worked fine..wifes is the one that wont update thru windows update site..and is the one that werks..the other which is the kids updated fine thru the site,and then when i went to reboot it..got the error in refrence..so i have 1 OS working fine.but wont update thru windows..other that updated fine.now wont boot because of the error..so should i format and reload both OS's again? is there a way to fix this at all without reformatting..and lastly..am i in for troubles since i am dual booting with same os.on 2 diffrent partitions..

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Try doing a repair with the xp cd on the first partition. It may ask for some drivers during the install, if you don't have them avaialable then, just skip when it asks for them and install the drivers later.

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