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After detonator 23.11, polygon performance nose-dives

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Windows XP Pro clean install with some security updates

Asus P2B-DS

2x P3 800@824

Geforce 3 ti 500


320MB Ram


check these numbers:


driver = 1 light, 8 lights


28.32 = 10.0, ?.? (just a test before security updates)

23.11 = 18.1, 3.7

27.00 = 9.6, 6.0

27.10 = 10.3, 10.5

27.20 = 9.6, 6.0

27.70 = 9.5, 6.0

28.32 = 10.7, 6.1

28.80 = 10.7, 6.1

28.90 = 10.6, 6.1



This is the High Polygon Count test in 3DMark 2001 SE. As you see, after 23.11, 1 light test takes a nose-dive!


If we look at the 8 light test the 27.10 drivers has an interesting score.


Any comments?

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The 23.11 det's are probably the best for GF2 and 3 cards. Newer ones are more optimized for GF4.

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you are wrong buddy

in 3dmarks 2001se

i got 2097 using 28.32 whql drivers

i'm running Visiontek Geforce2 mx 400 64mb agp 2x t.v/s-video out

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I guess everyone's mileage varies, for me 23.11 works the best with my GF2MX, anything after that is just crap for me. Go with what works best, but you can't deny that future driver releases will do squat for older chipsets. Forget using 2x.xx detonator's with TNT2 and the Geforce 1 and 2 cores are getting there.

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Yeah, the 29.80s are fast but occasionally give me a BSOD when changing screen modes, usually when alt+tab-ing out of a full screen game. The official ones are fine though, im beginning to wish i hadnt bought this geforce 4. (for a few reason :()

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Yeah, the 29.80s are fast but occasionally give me a BSOD when changing screen modes, usually when alt+tab-ing out of a full screen game. The official ones are fine though, im beginning to wish i hadnt bought this geforce 4. (for a few reason :()

Unfortunately, this is what I wanto hear I guess. frown GF4 is too slow to run Doom 3 (only 48M triangles/sec and two vertex shaders) and GF3 ti 500 is enough for current games up until Doom 3 comes out.


are the scores supposed to be small or large?


OSMAN, the numbers are Million Triangles/sec. The more the better. One Triangle is a small part of a 3D object; the less triangles an object consist of the more square and ugly it looks, and the more ugly specular lightening looks:

Top=few triangles
Bottom=lots of triangles

A PS2 can do 60M triangles/s and the xbox does 125M Triangles/sec. I think the last number is micropolygons (polygon=triangle) but I do know DOA3 and Project Gotham has more polygons than any other video-/computergame out there.

Soft round girls in DOA3:
Realtime reflections on curved cars in Project Gotham:
Look at that draw distance
more real-time reflections
even the wheels are modeled

Incredible. When will the PC see this kind of graphics? when a GF5 or Parhelia (both must have fast quad vertex shaders engines) becomes the average PC. When is that? next year? in three years?

And who said the PC will catch up with the xbox in 6 months...

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Just for the record, i redownloaded the 28.90s and gave em another go, have been running them for ~2 weeks and not 1 BSOD yet. Still wish i hadnt got this GF4 though, but hey...its pink laugh

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And who said the PC will catch up with the xbox in 6 months...
I thought the Xbox was only a P3 733, with a GF3? or have I been mislead?

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