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Rogue squadron on win2k?

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Anybody have any tips on getting Rogue Squadron to run under windows 2000 service pack 2? I can't seem to get it to run on my system. I'm using a geforce 4 Ti4600 video card and have tried various drivers. I also have tried it with directX 7 installed and later with directX 8.1 installed. I always get the same results. I can get to the point where I start a mission and select a craft. Then just as the mission is begining and after the opening sequence for that mission, right at the point where I would start taking control of the craft the game just terminates and kicks me back to the desktop with no error message or anything. I've tried running it in win95 and win98 compatability mode and the result is the same. Any ideas about this? Anyone else gotten this old game to run under windows 2000? I'm using a dual 1.7Ghz Xeon system. Could it be related to the fact that this is a dual processor machine and this game isn't thread safe or something like that?


All comments and tips welcome and thanks in advance for your time and attention.

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Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (Lucas Arts) Yes W2000 03/01

Received the follow messages:

1) It hangs when trying to create a new player but if you can get around that, it runs fine. Go to a win9x system and copy the created pilot info/folder onto your win2k system. Run the game a works great. Some minor restarts from time to time but nothing major. It seems to get better the more you run it.

2) The launcher doesn't work, but if you run Rogue Squadron.exe (in the program files\lucasarts\rogue directory) the game starts fine. You also have to create pilots on another machine (W98) I couldn't get my joystick to work but keyboard and mouse are fine (V5/SBlive)

3) As others have advised, get a pilot file from a Win9x machine. My joystick (CH Flightstick Pro) doesn't work, either -- and neither does my mouse (Microsoft IntelliMouse optical). Technically, the game starts and "runs" and doesn't crash -- but, it's totally unplayable.


The above was copied from the compatibility on this very site..


Its in the 'S's btw..not the 'R's smile



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Well, thank you very much for your reply, but I'm afraid I was already aware of the issue of creating a new player. I had already searched the forums and found those threads and comments. Anyway, I was able to create a new player and got past that issue. I think the issue I'm having must be different as I've already dealt with that and I'm getting further into the game than that when when game terminates. My problem seems to happen right whenever I would take control of the craft and begin flying the mission. At this point the game just terminates and kicks me back to the desktop. I kinda wonder if perhaps it has something to do with the fact I'm using a Geforce 4.


Anyway, thanks for your comments. I appreciate your response.

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I too am having trouble with Rogue Squdron with Windows 2000 SP2. I've never seen SP3 on microsoft's website. But when I run Rogue Squadron, sometimes it complains that it needs directx installed, other times, it'll kick out before the game completely loads. I installed and ran it with a windows 98 compatibility layer.

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You using the compatability layer, by right clicking the shortcut/file, or actually using QFixApp from ACT 1.5? If you're not using QFixApp, try the FAQ suggestion link above.

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Compatibility layer never did much for me. I don't even bother with it anymore. If the game doesn't work with the latest patch, I go straight to QFixApp.

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Well, here's where it gets interesting. On my friend's machine, the machine having the trouble, he has an nVIDIA GeForce2 MX 400 with a BCM GT93VA motherboard. He has the Via 693A chipset on the north bridge and the 586B Chipset on the south bridge. He has an 800 MHz Pentium III Processor.


On my machine, I also have windows 2000, build 2195, SP2. I have an Asus A7V with a 700 MHz Duron and the KT133A North Bridge chipset and the 686A South Bridge chipset (both Via). I have an S3 Salvage 4 32MB AGP card. He has the latest drivers for his video and chipsets. I was getting a HAL error when I first tried to play Rogue Squadron. I updated my video card drivers and the problem went away. I had trouble making a player until I installed the patch for the game (rogueup1.2). The game plays fine. I'm running it with a Windows 98 compatibility layer. I didn't even use the qfixapp program. The only problem I have is if a program interrupts the game. When I try to go back in using ALT+TAB, the game doesn't work. But it restarts with no problem.


So my question is, could the problem on my friend's machine be a hardware compatibility issue?

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but does your m8 have a USB gamepad plugged in?


The reason I ask is because I finally got Carmageddon 2 to work in XP (might work in W2k now too with this fix). I followed the fixes on this site to no avail. That was..Until, in a moment of madness I unplugged my USB gamepad devices, and lo and behold the bladdy thing works.


I know its a wild card, but hey, you never know.


Only bad thing is that I ahve to play Carmageddon with keys frown

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Yeah, he has a USB sidewinder. I wonder if it's that Via chipset bug with USB. I remember seeing something about it on Microsoft's site.

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In QFixApp, did you try (after clicking Win98 layer) unchecking "EmulateJoystick" under the fixes tab?

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Haven't tried either, yet. NT loader came up missing for some reason on his hard drive. I did a fixboot repair under console to fix the problem using boot disks. The bootfix didn't work, but when I changed the hard drive from User Define to AUTO, 2000 booted alright. I think the system CMOS or BIOS might be bad. Not sure.


First time I loaded 2000 on his machine, I upgraded from 98 to 2000. It ran fine, then the ms installer came up by itself on startup and then the machine would reboot itself. Then the CMOS password was activiated when I turned the machine on later and my friend said that no one had touched it. And I was skeptical about that board since the beginning, but couldn't prove that there was anything wrong with it. In Battlezone II on his machine, the fonts are now appearing differently as if they've been altered.


But on my system here, I'm just using the lastest patch for the game and a compatibility layer and it runs fine. I had no problems creating new players or anything. I don't have any problems on my system. So I don't know what's wrong.

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Ya, I tried up[censored] the bios on a computer, and all the sudden the BIOS/CMOS had a password. HP tech support said it shouldn't even be capable of having a password! confused When other options failed, I decided to take out the BIOS Battery for a day and put it back in. Lucky for me, it worked fine afterword, with no password. laugh


This should be a last resort, though. I'd imagine this method could make things worse just as much as it could make things better. frown

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Well, I put a new CMOS battery in there. NDD kept saying that there were lost clusters and errors in the free space count. Boot time was slower too. The new battery fixed those problems. Of course, the msi installer going crazy and all that could've been caused by win98 being screwed up as a result of the old battery. In fact, the old battery said,"98" on it. I'm not sure if that was the year or what.

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Hi, I'm back. I never did get it work and finally just gave up.


I used the qfixapp program but the game kicks out right after it shows the ships flying into the valley.



That's the same way it did on my system. It would just kick me back to the desktop right as I was beginning the first mission and it showed the ships flying into the valley. I tried Qfixapp and tried checking and unchecking all the options and no matter what options were checked or unchecked I still got the same result.




Well, here's where it gets interesting. On my friend's machine, the machine having the trouble, he has an nVIDIA GeForce2 MX 400 with a BCM GT93VA motherboard. He has the Via 693A chipset on the north bridge and the 586B Chipset on the south bridge. He has an 800 MHz Pentium III Processor.



Well, the only things my system has in common with your friends system is I'm running win2k SP2 and I'm using a Nvidia brand video card with the more recent drivers. My machine is a dual P4 Xeon I860/rambus system. The only common denominator that I can see would perhaps be Nvidia detonator drivers. I've tried a couple of different driver revisions. However, seeing as how I'm using a Gefirce 4 Ti4600 I'm kinda limited as to which drivers I can run. Since my card is relatively new, I'm assuming the older drivers (written before the Geforce 4 cards were ever made) likely won't work. Am I right in assuming all pre geforce 4 drivers won't work with my Geforce 4? Anyway, I've tried most of the 27.XX and later revisions with no success. Anybody got this game to run on a system with a Geforce 4 card or with any of the Nvidia detonator 27.xx or later drivers? If so what's you configuration and what are you doing to get it to work?


Also, I don't have a usb game controller. So, I somehow doubt that's my problem either.

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...I don't have a usb game controller. So, I somehow doubt that's my problem either.

This very well could be the problem. I don't have this game, but X-wing Vs. TIE Fighter wouldn't even allow me to play the game if it didn't detect a joystick first. And it wouldn't detect my USB joystick until I unchecked "EmulateJoystick" under QFixApp's Fixes tab.

Check the box to see if it requires a joystick. If so, you'll need one to play, and I wouldn't suggest using a gameport joystick, or an analog USB joystick (look for a digital USB joystick, that specifically says it's compatible with W2K).

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...I finally got Carmageddon 2 to work in XP (might work in W2k now too with this fix). I followed the fixes on this site to no avail. That was..Until, in a moment of madness I unplugged my USB gamepad devices, and lo and behold the bladdy thing works...

...Only bad thing is that I ahve to play Carmageddon with keys frown

I've gotten this result as well, but noticed playing in software mode allows use of USB joysticks. The only problem with that though is that I could only get software mode to run at 320x240 or something. Might there be any way to get software mode to run at 640x480 or better? Anyone?

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