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The Matrox Parhelia

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It looks like a beast on paper, I want to see some benchmarks of this puppy smile I guess it will all boil down to well written drivers (as usual), and support for Opensource development. Matrox can start things they probably didn't think of (remember the "killer" app/hardware factor in the Linux revival?).


It would be a miracle to see some apps exclusively developed for Linux, that take advantage of the many features on this card....

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Wow....the card is impressive, as is the tri-display.


I know this sucker is out for a couple of weeks now, but I have not seen it at any online vendors I ahve been to. Does anyone know when the card will go onsale? Or did I mis-read some post/article before?

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It will be a matter of months before Matrox can mass produce the stuff, and flood the shelves. The card is NOT out anywhere yet, noone has even an engineering sample to run some benchmarks on it. We will just have to wait...

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I definately want one! The displacement mapping feature looks like it will be HUGE! CPU only has to calculate a simple framework for the 3D world. Then the graphics card takes the displacement map and generates all the triangles to complete the object, greatly reducing CPU usage and AGP bandwidth. The 16x edge anti-alaisling feature is another big plus.


The only thing that I can see which might hurt the card is lack of memory bandwidth saving tricks like current Nvidia and ATI cards use. How much of an issue that will be with dual 256-bit data channels and 20 GB/s of bandwidth is up in the air right now ;(


Free case of virtual beer to anybody that sends me a sample card laugh

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