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BDC can not find PDC in other network

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Hi all,

I have BDC in x.x.160.201 and PDC in x.x.159.11 BDC can not find PDC but they can ping each other and i use linux as router and there are NAT on linux box.

I have try to use WINSserver or LMHOSTS but it doesn't work. any suggestion?



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Is port 139 open between them? Be really careful with this if the router also controls access to the Internet, as you would be opening up NetBIOS traffic (which is also hosted on ports 137 and 138, which can be seen here). One other problem that you might encounter will be 2-way replication and synchronization. Remember that BDCs handle authentication, and send requests upstream to the PDC if they can't validate credentials locally, while the PDC may initialize domain synchronization downstream to the BDCs. NAT systems tend to favor outbound information requests rather than unsolicited inbound requests, unless the proper ports are opened and forwarded to the system that will handle them.



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