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Audigy + Internet Explorer 6 = MEGA SOUND LOOPING!!! :(

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Hi, pff and i thought the nvidia/via infinite loop was bad enuff, this is driving me crazy!


I never used to get it, it's only recently but i haven't changed or added any driver that could have done this..


Basically sound is great offline, even in heavy CPU usage situations, but if i go online and view a website, or click a link, the sound playing (mp3's) loops and loops until the page has fully loaded then it's ok. I am using windows media player with windows 2000 and internet explorer 6.


At first i thought of the obvious... sound card clashing with modem irq? Sure enough i had a lot of things using irq 11 inc. the modem and sound card, so i put the Audigy on 7 away from everything else. guess what, still the same!


Anyone had this b4?



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By looping and looping I take it to mean that the same tune repeats itself over and over until the webpage is loaded and then everything runs properly, is this what you are saying?


I suspect the the Via/Nvidia loop phenomenon is based upon the voltage getting to the motherboard. We're putting in so many things in these machines and with more memory, CD's, bigger drives, I think the power supply units are just not managing. As they grow older and voltages degrade, if only by degrees, these problems with video and sound cards are cropping up.


Anyway, the fact that they are all sharing the same IRQ (even if your reset them in BIOS) is Windows ACPI.


Maybe you could tell us a little more about the machine, what's in it, what do you have running in your task tray, etc.

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Hi again, your description of the looping is exactly right... it only happens in IE tho, even when using gamespy arcade or outlook it is fine. V. weird!


Heres the sys spec if that helps:


AMD Athlon XP 2000+ @ 1.8Ghz

Abit KR7A 133 (No RAID)

512MB Crucial PC2100 DDR

Gainward GeForce3 Original

Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum

PCI V92 Modem

UW SCSI Adapter w/ 5 HDDs + CD/CDRW/DVD

Windows 2000 Pro


I already had the PCI latency patch installed, but i just removed it and tried again, then reinstalled but still the same smirk

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Have been running XP + IE6 + Audigy since IE6 release.. no problems. (with sound)


MSI K7T266Pro2 (KT266A)

AMD XP1600+

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Wish I could go aha! ... got your problem. Still think it is a voltage question since you have more devices running with with IE engaged with modem and video card on the PCI bus with the Audigy. On the other hand, this is a fast system. I have seen this proposed as a solution, that takes advantage of the speed of your system. However, if is "iffy" since it requires a registry hack:


Adding the following keys with Windows 2000 to the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\BIOS

PCIConcur = 1 (enabled)

FastDRAM = 1 (enabled)

AGPConcur = 1 (enabled)

These settings speed up hardware specific operations by allowing installed devices to use extra CPU cycles: PCI, AGP and/or DRAM based I/O transfers from the motherboard interface/bus/bridge (PCI, AGP, DRAM) to the CPU, and the other way around


Mucking around with the registry is sometimes the surest way to a W2K re-install.

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Or try this:


IRQ Priority booster

This tweak is an IRQ Priority booster; this uses regedit again, so if you have not backed up your registry do it now! You must make sure you have your System CMOS/Real Time Clock are on IRQ 8!

All you have to do for these tweaks is open up notepad and copy and paste the stuff between the lines and then save them as whatever you want as long as it has the extension .reg




[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SystemCurrentControlSetControlPriorityControl] "IRQ8Priority"=dword:00000001



If the tweak messes anything up use this one to fix it.





[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SystemCurrentControlSetControlPriorityControl] "IRQ8Priority"=dword:00000000


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Sys info says my cmos/rtc is already on irq 8... do i still need to do that reg thing?

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The IRQ8 trick IS for those with RTC on IRQ8.. if RTC is on other IRQ it will not work..

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