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Wanna play DN3D / Shadow Warrior / Blood etc.

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Ola, folks.


I would like to play Duke, Shadow Warrior, Blood and Nam on my WIN2k Notebook. I dont want to change my Systems and I dont want to use a dos mode or something like that... (am Playing in local network).


As I am a complete W2K Newbie I would appreciate it if somebody would be able to give me a step by step instruction. (Please!!!!)



Im sorry for my bad english but i finished school 2 years ago - i forgot everything.

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Build engine games with SFX are a no go on Windows 2000. Even VDMSound will not help you there. You can use MIDI but no SFX. Your only solution is to either use Connectix Virtual PC or boot to DOS. If you "upgrade" to Windows XP, install VDMSound and aquire the latest .dll from Vlad. you will be able to play build engine games in Windows XP...except without VESA.

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I'm almost 100% sure that VDMSound will allow you to run Build engined games (Duke3D, etc.). I went through a phase of playing all my old stuff and I'm sure I got it all to work on my Win2K box.


Check out their webby at http://www.ece.mcgill.ca/~vromas/vdmsound/ This was listed in Update1:


VDMServices module now makes an undocumented system call to get around the PUSHF/CLI/POPF problem (fixes "Doom", "Doom 2", "Duke 3D", "Heretic", "Hexen", "Rise of the Triad", "Wacky Wheels", etc.).


OR try SoundFX2000 from http://www.softsystem.co.uk/page3.htm


SoundFX provides a complete emulation of a SoundBlaster 16 card and hence enables old favourites such as Doom (1 & 2), Heretic, Duke Nukem (2 & 3D) etc to be run with sound under Windows 2000 & NT.


I'd sooner go with VDMSound as its still being developed and free. Vlad has done an excellent job methinks - better than Microsoft and it's SB-Pro emulation in WinXP!!

Best of luck!

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Instead of using the standard DOS executables consider using a "Source Port", there was a whole discussion on this before.



For Blood, look up Qblood, I believe the project is being worked at http://www.planetblood.com/qblood


As for Shadow Warrior there is nothing. For Duke Nukem 3D there is the often mentioned GL Duke, but I have no idea how long it will take to finish it and there are no other basic Win32 ports either. Too bad these games were decent, and popular just like Doom, Hexen, Heretic, Quake and Wolfenstein, but for some reason there is no community support for them anymore, especially when you consider how many ports there are for Doom Engine Games.

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Well here's an odd thing...


I've installed the lastest VDMsound build and patched duke3d.exe with CLI2NOP. I can get the game to run perfectly with Midi and SFX for about 30secs or so on my 2k PC... and then it just crashes out with a load of garbage to the command prompt. I've tried all sorts of different settings with VDMSound, CLI2NOP, Duke3d setup and the NTVDM settings... but i can't get it run stably. frown


Is this worth pursuing further, or a lost cause do you think?

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Hello there.


I'm aware of Doom being a difficult game to play using VDM sound. Every single time I try to run it like that, I just get thirty glorious seconds to hear the music. Yet my hopes are still standing. So please, somebody tell me there's some sort of VDM update or such that'll allow me to play Doom peacefully; or at least tell me about the proper setup for this all to work. Maye music card like this, Sound FX like that, you know what I mean.


Tanks a lot. And I should apologize for my bad English as well.

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Originally posted by julioC:

Hello there.


I'm aware of Doom being a difficult game to play using VDM sound. Every single time I try to run it like that, I just get thirty glorious seconds to hear the music. Yet my hopes are still standing. So please, somebody tell me there's some sort of VDM update or such that'll allow me to play Doom peacefully; or at least tell me about the proper setup for this all to work. Maye music card like this, Sound FX like that, you know what I mean.


Tanks a lot. And I should apologize for my bad English as well.

Doomsday Engine to rescue. In this case jDoom.




jDoom is an enhanced win32 port of id Software's DOOM. It is being developed by Jaakko Keränen.


* Uses the Doomsday Engine.

* Works with shareware and registered Doom, Ultimate Doom, Doom II and Final Doom (Plutonia and TNT).

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Man, I hate old threads......new people read this old information and get wrong ideas. Sigh.

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