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How can i a restore Perms on share map ?

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Hello all,


I know nearly english write above dutch write, OK !

Old server have a TX-4 (160Gb RAID + NTFS format) and i will TX-4 plug out from old server near new server. I have a problem with perms on more share map. This cost me for a long work where i am IT only.

I will a backup permssion on share map from another server NT4 and restore on new server with NT4. I have a see on support van microsoft dat can restore to default with fixacls.exe !

What i will that default perms. from old server a copy to new server !


I hope a positief answer from you and thanks,



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I wish i could help. Only if i could understand clearly what you were saying. do you mind trying to clear it up a bit?

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From what I understand, it sounds like he wants to migrate a bunch of files and directories from a current server to a new one, and would like to keep his permissions (perms) in tact. If that's the case, I think robocopy.exe (from the resource kit) will do what you are looking for. I haven't had a need for it myself, but it should work. I thought there was another one as well, but I can't remember.

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You could also try using xcopy. I migrated our NT4 file server to our new Win2k file server using this to copy all of our file permissions across with the files.


Run from the old server to copy to the new server:

xcopy d:\foldername \\newfileserver\d$\foldername /E /C /H /K /X /Z


The /E flag copies directories and subdirectories, including empty ones


The /C flag continues copying even if errors occur (maybe not a good idea for everyone)


The /H flag copies hidden and system files also


The /K flag copies attributes


The /X flag copies file audit settings (including file ownership and ACL information)


The /Z flag copies networked files in restartable mode




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