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sfc and event id 64004

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Im trying to use the system file checker to restore files from the win2k cd. The event viewer fills up with this on all files....


The protected system file c:\program files\common files\system\ole db\msdatl2.dll could not be restored to its original, valid version. The file version of the bad file is 2.52.6019.0 The specific error code is 0x800b0100 [No signature was present in the subject.




I could not find much information on this at microsoft or the web. The cd is slipstreamed with sp2. I cannot figure this one out.

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Was there some reason why you were using sfc? Was there some application that had run amock? If you've applied certain hotfixes, and these have been added to the DllCache directory, they will not be the same as that on your CD.

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Its a fresh install of win2k with service pack 2 integrated into the cd. Ive only installed a couple of programs... I forgot to patch iis or at least shut it down and I got nimda like within 3 seconds ( hehe ). So after doing a virus scan I was just making sure that all the system files were in tact.. except none of them are getting replaced.

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