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CD-R/CD-RW Media Poll


  1. 1. Sharepoint migration 2010

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I just recently upgraded my Mitsumi 4x/4x/24x burner to an LG 32x/10x/40x burner. The first time I tried to burn a disc at 32x I got an error at 5 %, this is using Nero I tried again and burned 3 straight discs correctly and since then haven't had a problem burning. Now my question is what kind of discs are good for 32x burning, I was using Sony 32x CD-R since the LG manual recommended them, but I suspect that the first disc was just poorly made. So what kind of media do you guys use, post your burner along as well. I think to be safe I may go back to BASF, I never had 1 coaster with those. However, all burners are different and some like other media type.

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The only flaw I ever find in CDs is the occasional hole in the aluminium or whatever it is - simply hold the CD with the label side facing a light [you need to be fairly close to it] - this makes it really easy to spot flaws, & saves the annoyance of burning a CD only to find out it's knackered afterwards I tend to buy cheaper 1s in spindle packs of 50. Last pack I bought were unbranded & I had about 6-10 coasters, so this time I bought some Memorex. Only found 1 with a defect so far, & if I can think of a use for it, i.e. something less than a couple of hundred MB it should still be useable.


1 thing I would say about manufacturers - according to a big survey, which I think was done last year - the 1 manufacturer [not brand - numerous brands, much smaller number of actual manufacturers] the absolute worst you could buy is CDs made by Ritek. The only way to find out who makes a CD is to get a prog like CDR Media Code Identifier & stick the CD in a burner & check it [doesn't write any data to the CD or spoil it in anyway]. If you live in the US then you may not have so much to worry about where Ritek is concerned, as IIRC they tend to be distributed in Asia & Europe mostly.


<couple of miutes later>


Well, don't I feel silly. Just went looking for CDRMCI & tried it out on 1 of those Memorex CDs. Anyone care to guess who made 'em??? Yup - Ritek. Bugger! Well, won't be buying them again. I haven't had any fail to read after useage for a while as there hasn't been long enough time, but in all the tests that were done Ritek came out worst - if you'd read the same report I did you'd understand.


<few minutes more later>


Ok, found the article, so you can have a read for yourself. Makes for interesting reading.


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i use the cheapest damned media i can get, i only use CDR cd's and not CDRW cd's whereas if i make a mistake i just toss the messed up cdr and burn a new one.

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Jungle 'Monkey Media'..


Packs of 100 on a spindle for £24.99


Good quality, and have had no coasters.

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I usually use cheap unbranded media from local computer shop, £18.95 for 100 on a spindle. I usually have no problems with these.

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I like Memorex I found them to be far better then other I have try

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Bear in mind that it's not really about what brand it is, e.g. Memorex, TDK, etc - it's about who actually made it. Memorex don't make all the 1s that they sell (as I found out yesterday when I checked mine), so maybe SHS & any others are using different Memorex 1s, like a different sub-brand made by a different manufacturer. Though to be honest I haven't had any CDRs that I've written fail on me [as in refuse to read, or have the coating peel off] yet, but then I've only had my CDRW for about a year, give or take a few months.


In otherwords, if you find a batch that you don't like due to faults, quality, etc, check who it's really made by, then avoid them.

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I have been using Imation CDR's for a long time and have had no complaints.

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