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Bye Bye Privacy :(

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I think this serves a higher purpose than to filter for keywords and accounts at different ISPs across the world. They know that it is virtually impossible to pinpoint a suspicious activity based on eavesdropping and log analysis, for the following reasons:


- To anaylise all the info in "realtime" as they boast, then u need some serious storage and computing power, which Im not so sure they can allocate for such daily actions.

- The evildoers are for sure trained to use encryption for messaging, which again takes many, many MIPS to crack. They also probably employ codewords or common passphrases to transmit information. A mail from "Jack to Gill stating that the Baby is waiting home to be fed" won't raise many eyebrows...

- IF they catch or notice anything, it will be most likely sheer luck.


What they intend to do with all our emails, internet surfing habits, clickstreams and all this...I DON'T WANT TO KNOW. The whole thing makes me wonder where are we heading, as the world in a couple of decades doesn't look good.

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They want to think for us. They feed us only what they want us to learn a know. They will monitor everything about us if they can. This used to be in the movies---which was fine. I don't want this in real life.

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There is no such thing as privacy on public networks. The sooner people realise that the better of the entire world will be.

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Yes there is. It's called VPN. :P :p

The fact that it tunnels through public networks means that, if someone really put their mind to it, even that isn't private. As long as it travels through a public network then its vulnerable to interception.

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