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CD-RW firmware version?

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How the hell are you supposed to tell what firmware version a CD-RW currently has? If it makes a difference, mine is a Lite-On LTR-12101B [12x10x32x]

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If your using a mobo with intel chipset, the intel application accelerator can tell you loads of cool stuff, firmware version included smile


Im sure there are other progs that do this though if your not using intel, cant remember them off hand though frown

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Windows itself will tell you, just open up Device Manager, browse to CD-ROM Drives and click settings and see.

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Actually that annoying program Sisoft Sandra can probably tell you.

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Yeah sorry about that, only Win9x has the settings tab, your CD Burning program will tell you, I know Nero does.

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Thanks for that - just checked it with Nero. Lite-On's site has the latest firmware & 2 previous ones, & the 1 I have is even older. Should I upgrade? The listed versions only give their description as "match more media".

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ah, yes, but I don't have SSS installed @ the mo, whereas Nero is.

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Interesting you should ask, if you are having problems with burning then try it, but here's my story. I just bought a new LG 32x burner about a month ago and upgraded the firmware, since then I haven't been able to burn a disc, and before the upgraded firmware I could. If it isn't broken don't fix it, in your case the firmware isn't really adding anything significant, so I would suggest you leave it as it is. I am happy I got my burner replaced since it was under warranty by the store, now I have a good burner again. I think the flash wasn't official either for me so that may have attributed to the drive's failure. Since your firmware is official you may be better off, but like I said, do you really need it?

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I gues not. :-) I have noticed it being a little odd, though I think the last reinstall cured that, if not then it it's probably just a case of the lens needing cleaning.

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