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Monitor Woes .....

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Hi all,


I hope I can explain this problem properly. First my system config relevant to the problem:


GeForce 4 MX20 video w/ 64MB memory

Viewsonic PF790 monitor

PIII System (750)


Ok, my monitor has started to "jump" on the left edge of the screen. What I mean is that periodically, the edge of the screen on the left side will get a little bigger (wider) and then return to normal. When this happens seems to be completely random; sometimes it only happens once in 2 hours, and sometimes it happens 10 times in 2 minutes. I can not figure out a pattern.


The most basic things have, of course, already been checked, and double checked, and triple checked. The latest drivers have been installed (certified AND non-certified), the monitor resolution and refresh rates and color depths have all ben changed several times, and the problem comtinues.


Because this started happening suddenly without ANY change of hardware or software, my fear is that the monitor is dieing. I have lost monitors before in some very strange ways, and my previous one seemed to have a similar problem but it was much worse.


Does anyone know much about monitors and has a guess as to what can be causing this?


Thanks, and of course, I'll be happy to answer any questions about details regarding this problem.



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Sorry if this is obvious but is there anything near the screen that might be causing it? speakers.....magnets...other equiptment etc ?

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Mine does almost the same thing, except it does it @ both sides - almost as if someone had briefly fiddled with the width setting on the monitor. I do have stuff to either side of it - cable modem & [shielded] speaker on 1 side, & TV & cable TV box on the other, but they are all on pretty much all the time & the wibbling of the screen doesn't appeaar to coincide with any other event.


I think in my case it may well be due to the fact that it's 11+ years old, which is good considering it still looks pretty good [even if it does only go upto 60Hz]. I think when it came out it must have been pretty much top of the line - 20", & choice of D-sub or 5-connection-BNC [R, G, B, + H & V sync] & you can switch between them so you can have 2 PCs hooked up to it. Not bad considering it was given to me as payment for a favour! smile

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The only thing next to the monitor is a pair of Harman/Kardon speakers (shielded), but I have tried removing them, and this did not help frown


There is no other equipment or odd things around the monitor. Thanks for the replies so far.



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I have a PF790. I had the same problem as you about 6 months ago. It continued to get worse and worse over about 2 months until the monitor was useless. Fortunately it was still covered under warranty so Viewsonic replaced the CRT. Since then, no more problems.


Keep your speakers away, but permanent damage may have already been done. Check to see when your warranty runs out, then decide if and when to call Viewsonic.

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