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X-Wing Alliance with XP!!

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I have a problem with X-Wing Alliance under Win XP.

In all intenet sites I've visited, everyone say that this game works perfectly!! AArgh!! frown

The game starts and crash 2 secs later and return to the desktop!!

I use a Geforce 2 GTS/Pro Leadtek

I use the latest video card drivers (28.84) and it doesn't work anyway!!

I've tried all compatibility possibilities (Win 95,98,2000,XP) but it doesn't work too!!

frown Help me Obiwan Kenobi!! you're my only hope!!


Pedro of Corsica

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Hi smile

Perhaps your solution will be the best, but I Hhave a problem with it!!

I don't have a internet connection at home, only in school frown

So the microsoft site enables to download the latest version of Windows I use in school!! Windows 2000...

I've tried to find in an other way but it seems it's not possible...

About the v2.02 patch for Xwing alliance, it's already installed!!


See ya

Pedro of Corsica

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Ok and thanks Conqueso smile

But Have you an idea for the problem origin?

I have already used the ACT but only the version of Win CD...

I've download the v2.5 and I'll try it but I'm sure it will be the same...

Why? My components are very used everywhere and my soun and graphic drivers are the latest... From where come my problem?


Thanks for responding smile


Pedro of Corsica

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I've good news!! :P

I've uninstalled Norton Antivurus v2002 and I've tried to re-install X-Wing Alliance and it works!!!:D

But only in his primary version (v1.0)... When I install the v2.02 update, the problem comes back end it crashes to Windows desktop...

I'm trying to know which update crash the game and I'll try the v2.01!!

About the ACT, it make the same as the older and it crashes anyway...


see ya,

Pedro of Corsica

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