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No sound in Windows.NET

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I recently installed Windows.NET Enterprise on my PC and noticed that I have no sound at all. Its dual boot, with XP, and the sound works fine when using XP. My soundcard is a Sound Blaster Platnum 5.1.

I have the drivers installed and there are no conflicts in my device manager, but when I click on any kind of sound file I get a "no mixer installed" message.

Any ideas




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You will find that many things are disabled in .Net server to promote stability, but then again you would know that as you are a registered beta tester, right? The last email I received asking about bug reports clearly stated that many unnecessary features (like themes and most multimedia items) come disabled by default, and they recommend that they are not to be enabled as they may compromise integrity. So, I would imagine that as there are more builds coming out, you will see less and less support for such things (finally).

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Why would you need sound on a server anyway? Unless of course you want to play games on a server OS ;(

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I would think .NET would be more like a semi truck - lots of power, but it's not meant for everyday use...

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It's actually pretty snappy, but it does have a ton of stuff to configure initially. It's going to be really nice once released.

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I wish I had more time to play with a .NET server.

I have one installed at work from the latest beta build and it's very happy on our network.

I just haven't had time yet to see what it can really do.

However even these beta builds appear nice and stable.

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I have it on my server and my workstation the server is the pdc and my ws is the bdc. All the kids that i live with are on xp except for 1 on win98 everything works great. .Net is better on my workstation than xp is. Much snappier even with the heavy disk access that .NET requires.


I really can't say enoungh good stuff about .NET

iis 6 is the bomb

all the features of xp (enable what you like)

boots damn fast

active directory and distributed files system kick ***

that 10 connection limit in xp was really killing me

the default in .NET is 10,000 lol


Random note

it is 4:44 am at one of my offices here in VT

I just had a police officer arrive at my door an serve me a noise violation because a house nearly a mile away could "feel my music"

when he was giving me the ticket i just didn't care

he was really pissed

apparently he was off duty and at home

people just don't understand me in this town. I stay up all night and listen to house music and i guess that doesn't really jive.

anyway enought of my ramblings

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You guyz are right up on it..........guess me and my Linux/XP/.NEt *** will just go on home.......lol

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I was impressed on how lean it is, I was running it on a Celron 1.7GHZ, with 256MB of ram.


Didn't run too bad

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You will find that many things are disabled in .Net server to promote stability, but then again you would know that as you are a registered beta tester, right? The last email I received asking about bug reports clearly stated that many unnecessary features (like themes and most multimedia items) come disabled by default, and they recommend that they are not to be enabled as they may compromise integrity. So, I would imagine that as there are more builds coming out, you will see less and less support for such things (finally).

Year but i don't remember... can you tell me how ?! ;(

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Well, i will admit i "obtained".NET just to see what the hype was, and it was great so fast, and smooth! - i loved it, - but then i went back to Xp cause i completly FORGOT to enable the sound service so i thought it was my built in sound card..lol



i was going to sign up to get a beta testing, but i know here in Antigua i would never get the cd's!

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You can register for the CCP, it's free, and you can download the .iso images after you recieve your betaplace user id/password. If you don't yet have a MS passport, you'll need one, too. (CCP=Corporate Customer Preview)

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You can register for the CCP, it's free, and you can download the .iso images after you recieve your betaplace user id/password. If you don't yet have a MS passport, you'll need one, too. (CCP=Corporate Customer Preview)

Only crappy part is i am ona 56k modem :9

and @ work i am on a 128k ISDN that is uysually slow as hell also frown

Maybe once i move to costa rica and get on my 512 cable line i will get signed up for it.

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If you register with the CPP, you can get RC1 (currently) Enterprise Edition (both 32 & 64 bit versions) on CD for $9.95, including shipping.

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