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Gamespot.com and money

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I used to love surfing Gamespot.com but now you have to pay to access even simple reviews of PC games. I wanted to check a review of Grand Theft Auto 3 but its locked. I wanted to see some commentary on E3 2002, locked, Soldier of Fortune 2 review, locked. I mean come on, wouldn't they make enough on company advertising? I can understand charging for downloads since it consumes bandwidth, but this is just crazy. Well, time to find another gaming site.

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Just vote with your feet, i couldnt beleve it either. I realise that they need money to run a website but to have everything password protected is taking it a tad far. Especially when you can just look some place else smile

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Just vote with your feet, i couldnt beleve it either. I realise that they need money to run a website but to have everything password protected is taking it a tad far. Especially when you can just look some place else smile

Exactly, I wonder how long Gamespot will hold onto its viewership.

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