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Office 97 and XP, changing file permissions

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HI All


I have a question about how to change file permissions using XP. I have been told that there is a compatability issue with Windows XP and Office 97 (apparently it has something to do with permissions). I was told that the way to fix it is to change the permissions on the office files. How do I modify the actual permissions for a certain file? Can I only do this as the "administrator"? What if I am logged in as a user that belongs to the "administrators" group?


Regards, Ben

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I have Home Edition which appears to have functionality of things like file permissions disabled. The only way to allow users with limited access to use a common file is to place it in the "Shared Files" folder or a sub-folder there in.


I had problems with MS Office XP needing write access for the tutorial. I was able to move the necessary files to the "Shared Files" directory and then edit the pointer to the file location. I had no problems using the program when logged in with full Administrator privledges.





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