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DSL problems

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I just got a DSL account with Verizon but I can't get the thing to work. When I type in ipconfig /all from the command prompt I get for an IP address.


The DSL people think there is a problem with my NIC card, and so do Belkin(the NIC card maker), but I've already tried 2 different cards, and I'm a skeptic!


I turned off a lot of my services to lower overhead. Is it possible that I need to turn some of them back on?

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Can you tell us which services you have turned of in return of some imaginary performance increase???


Than I can pinpoint the one you messed up smile

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The services that are on are;

com + event system

event log

fax service

network connections

plug and play

print spooler

protected storage


remote access connection manager


system event notification

removable storage


windows management instructions

WMI driver extensions



By the way, this is a dual boot machine and the NIC and DSL work on the win98se side.



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If you have a Cisco router 675/678 you may need to program the darn thing to the IP, DNS and Gateway Verizon has given you. Or you may need to plug in IP information into your network properties in 2K/XP.

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Fixed it.

It turned out I needed to turn the DHCP Client service back on and set to


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How do you like your DSL?

What is your max download speed?

I have 768k service and obtain about 750k.

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The transfer speed of DSL is the same between the CO (central office) and your modem (which really osn't a modem) at 4pm as it is at 4am, unlike cable where the speed varies depoending on traffic load. I know someone that has cable and there is a huge difference between those time periods when all the kiddies come online with their silly chat rooms and other bandwidth hogging applications and at night when few are on!


I'm not talking about the internet in general, just between the CO (DSL) or 'head end' or 'node' (cable) and the subscriber.

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