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Lord Davis

Voodoo 2 And 64mb Geforce 4 MX 440

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Problem 1.

My brother has a voodoo 2 pci video card, and he has just installed windows xp home and the cd that came with the video card does not support windows xp. i have gone to voodoofiles.com but they only have win xp voodoo 2 drivers for glide and open gl. i need the 3dfx driver, otherwise his computer does not reconise that the card is a 3D accelerator. for example when i try and run jedi knight 2 it says "there is no 3d hardware support" or something like that. can some plz help me find a 3dfx driver for voodoo 2 for xp.

i did find a 3dfx driver for xp but it only supported voodoo 3,4 & 5 not voodoo 2! email me at calis_711@hotmail.com if you find a link

Problem 2.

I have a Leadtek 64mb GF4 MX440 DDR TV OUT video card and a Gigabyte GA7VTXE+ MB for AMD. I need a "Graphics Accelerators BIOS" for it so it will work in my motherboard(i hope it will sovle the problem). At the moment when i plug it into my AGP slot it shows nothing up on screen. i have to use an old 2mb video card for the moment frown

the web site containg the Graphics Accelerators BIOS is www.gigabyte.com.tw/support/support.htm

you click on the

"Graphics Accelerators BIOS" link on the left and then it shows a screen with many drivers... which one am i suppost to use?????

Thanks, Nathan

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Problem 1. try this page to see if any of these will help: http://www.reactorcritical.com/download.shtml#1500 ; There is probably also a patch for jedi knight 2. However, given that you are going to use XP with that card, you will save yourself a lot of frustration if you were to purchase a new card since it is unlikely that Microsoft (or anybody else for that matter) is going to support drivers for a now defunct company. As much fun as the voodoo 2 was, it is quickly becoming a museum piece.

Problem 2: For the moment forget the Graphics Accelerators Bios. The newest Bios for your motherboard is the f4. When you boot your computer look to see what Bios you have installed. It will say something like GA7VTXE+ F? where the "?" stands for the bios installed. If your Bios F number is not F4, download this utility from Gigabyte: http://ftp.gigabyte.com.tw/support/driver/biosflash108q.exe . Make sure you are connected to the Net then using Windows Explorer double click on this utility where you saved it. You can then Flash your Bios through the net.

Once the Bios has been flashed, reboot. Apparently you are using a PCI card. You will need to go into the BIOS and set the AGP card slot as primary. When Windows comes up, go to your video card setup and change it to the Standard VGA driver. Reboot. This is to make sure that it is using standard VGA. Close down Windows. Turn off the machine. Put in your AGP card. Take out the PCI. Turn it back on. If you have enabled the AGP slot as primary Windows may or may not recognize new hardware. If it does, it will install its own Nvidia drivers; which may or may not make you happy. If it doesn't install the drivers, then insert your CD for the Leadtek and install as per the instructions on the CD.

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I have allready tried the bios flash ver 4. i didnt work so i emailed the company(gigabyte) they sent me f5! and it still didnt work. i have downloaded the VIA 4in1 drivers, no luck either frown

my only hope is the Graphics Accelerators Bios. The primary agp was set and still nothing. any other agp video card works in my computer and my video card works in my dad pc! so there is somthing wrong with my GA7VTXE+ motherboard and my GF4 64mb MX440 video card.

I have three options:

1. to find the right Graphics Accelerators Bios (i need help to find it on the gigabyte support page) and hope that it will fix my problem.

2. to take my motherboard back(its only a 2 months old) and pay extra for a Asus A7V266-E (no onboard sound,video or RAID) which is about $70Aus more.

3. Swap my GF$ video card(1 month old) and pay extra for a 128mb GF3 Ti 200

Question: do you know what Graphics Accelerators Bios i need or what option would you choose? or do you have another suggestion?

Thanks for the help

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Did you set your video driver to Standard VGA using your old card before installing the AGP card? You can have both cards inserted simultaneously. Does your Hardware Device Manager indicate that the card has been found?

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yes i tried that, i also tried running them both but nothing came up on the screen:( do you have any idea what file i should be downloading at the gigabyte support page under the "Graphics Accelerators Bios"??? thanks for your time, hope i can repay you

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Lord Davis both Voodoo1,2 will never have DX drivers under Win2000/XP

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I am not sure that your answer is found in the Graphics Accelerator Bios. Gigabyte makes it own graphics cards. The drivers and bios they offer is for those cards. Yours is a Leadtek card. The problem is that your computer is not seeing the AGP card at all. You said you installed the most recent Via4-in-1 drivers from Gigabyte. Have you tried installing the VGA Via driver for 2k/XP http://ftp.gigabyte.com.tw/support/driver/km266_2k.exe ?

It maybe that the Leadtek card just won't connect with your computer perhaps because of an ACPI issue where the IRQ it is on conflicts with other devices. If I find such an issue, I'll get back.

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Due to the more rigorous application of IRQ settings that is a forerunner of IRQs being scrapped once-and-for-all, many 3D PCI graphics cards just don't work under XP/NT/2000. Even if you have drivers for XP, dump the card. I finally ditched my Savage4, and I feel much better for it; the PC is now fully stable! Also, don't think of keeping both PCI and AGP graphics cards in the same machine if you are running XP. Even if you don't use the PCI card at all, it will still screw up.



Am I the only man who thinks the only good soundcard CLabs ever made was the SBAwe32 pro (16Mb memory - HUGH FULL SIZED PRO CARD! Not the little pretended to the title) SBLive = dead PC

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