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Linux/FreeBSD/Windows NT... Opinions needed plz ppl

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OK i don't even know if this post belongs on this section of the boards (apologies if it doesn't) anyhow here goes:


I currently I have a Windows 2000 PC, and want to set up a dual boot config with either a Linux distro, or FreeBSD.


The thing is, which is best for my needs? I play a variety of games, watch DVDs, surf and listen to MP3's regularly, ie basically average desktop stuff. I would like the stablilty (and the price bonus) of switching to open source based software and UNIX based OSes, but im unsure which path to follow.


Is there anyone here who has a 2k/Linux/FreeBSD set up, that could offer any pointers as to what i should do?


Cheers anyhow

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First, you are in the right section as far as I am concerned. Second, I would think that a Linux disto might be better suited for your needs as many of them are more desktop friendly, while the xBSD variants are more server/appliance oriented. As for which Linux distro, I am going to guess that RedHat will have more support and is easier to work with than some of the others at the moment.

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Well I've read the link you've posted (ta btw) and opted for a Windows 2000 / Mandrake 8.2 set up.


Im d/l the latest ver from an ftp server at the moment.... *sigh* i'll be here for days on my dialup at this rate!

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Yeah, Mandrake is probably the way to go if you're new to Linux. After you outgrow that you can then move on to something like Slackware or Debian.

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Well I've read the link you've posted (ta btw) and opted for a Windows 2000 / Mandrake 8.2 set up.

Im d/l the latest ver from an ftp server at the moment.... *sigh* i'll be here for days on my dialup at this rate!
3 CDs on dial-up????????? Ouch!!! That's gotta hurt. I just hope for your sake dude that you don't get charged for internet by the minute.

Look on the bright side - you should have all 3 files by about er....Tuesday-ish. laugh

PS - You do know that some computer mags put the image files for the CDs on the cover disc DVD. right? smile

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