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Any good Download managers that dont have spyware?

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Mass Downloader is cool, I've been using it for ages.




That's the addy for the site, & you can get a trial v. from there, but personally I prefer to stick with the v. I have - 1.2.95.

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I though all dl managers tracked your downloads in their own companies' databases.

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Download Accelerator is one that i have been using for a very long time, the best i have used so far. Download it from here!


Hmmmm...! They have just changed it to 14-day free trial, pitty was a great program.

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I though all dl managers tracked your downloads in their own companies' databases.

GetRight has a feature where it records your downloads to a Headlight Software managed site called Filemirrors.com (for the purpose of building a list of mirror sites which you can call upon through GetRights Mirror Manager. It generally works quite well in my experience, much better than the other mirror search options it provides) but you can switch that off through your configuration (In fact I think it prompts you as such during the install). I don't know about anything else though, since I don't use anything else (Download Accelerator and Go!Zilla suck IMO and I've never even tried the Mass Downloader which Alien recommends)

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I though all dl managers tracked your downloads in their own companies' databases.
Well I can't speak for any others, but MD doesn't even try getting server permission from ZoneAlarm so I don't see how it could send any info to anywhere.

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Cool, thanks for the info guys. Good to hear facts rather than rumors.

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Net Vampire was written in Borland Delphi the only native windows compiler to my knowledge. Even C++ apps have runtimes (msvcrt40.dll,... and the like). It's fast it only uses about 5,000K of memory. It has never made my browser crash unlike Real Download (Real Lame [internal development name]). I've used it for about 3 years. You can even have it power down your system when it's done downloading. I even use that feature to shut down my system after defragging. I just have it wait until 2am and download a single web page and then shut down. This app is addware I don't think it spies on you, it just displays adds as far as I know. I wrote in a few advertisement bugs for the author and he gave me the registration # for free (cool no?). The registration number turns off the ads. The downloader will let you add several locations and then it'll ping them all and show you which is the fastest.


You can find it at HTTP://www.NetVampire.com

Hope you like it as much as I do,


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I use GetRight and Download Accelerator Plus back then. Now I use FlashGet. You can download it for free at http://www.amazesoft.com/

I am not sure if FlashGet has spyware or not. Can anyone find out?

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