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CHKDISK running everytime PC starts up (WinXP Pro)

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Hi all,


I installed the trial version of Diskeeper 7 the other day, but when I tried to defrag the drive, it advised me to first check the drive for errors - when I tried to do this I got a message saying that it would have to be done after restarting the system.


Since I've done this, Windows now runs CHKDISK every time the machine starts up - I've since removed the Diskeeper program and ran the Error Checking tool from within Windows (successfully), but still this problem persists.


Has anyone come across this before, and if so, how do you get rid of it - it's becoming VERY annoying! frown


Thanks in advance...

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One guy I knew complained to me that chkdisk was running at every boot. I asked him to show me, so he booted, chkdisk started, and during the 10 second countdown he pressed a key. Doing so, he skipped chkdisk, leaving it to rerun at the next boot. He thought he was just skipping the wait time to start chkdisk, because he didn't bother to read the message. I brought this up just to rule out something simple that lots of people have done, make sure you let chkdisk finish, don't press any keys during the countdown.


Also, try manually setting chkdisk to run either in diskeeper, or in the tools tab of the drives' properties. Maybe setting it and then letting it cycle will fix it.

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Hi Guys,


I've tried letting it cycle as suggested and one of two things happen - either:


The scan runs thru, reports the volume as clean and hangs the machine.




It reports that it "could not open the volume for direct access", skips the test and boots on into windows, but the same thing occurs on next boot.


I tried the "Convert" command as suggested but the drive is already NTFS so this too was unsuccessful.


Thanks for the suggestions anyway tho guys..any more ideas gratefully appreciated smile

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This happened to me today, the scan said complete and the machine hung

I rebooted, selected last known good config, and now it works fine.

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I think this should work for you.


Run Regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager. Now double-click on BootExecute. When the dialog box opens, change the value to autocheck autochk * and click on OK. Close Regedit. When you restart, chkdisk will not run.


If you want to make a .reg file to import it instead, just copy the info below and paste it into a text file and rename the extension from .txt to .reg, then double click the file to import into the registry.


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager]



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Hi all,


Thanks again for the help guys..I'm in work @ the moment but I'll try what you've suggested tonight and report back smile

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On a similar subject - does anyone know how to get rid of that incredibly annoying 10 second wait when CHKDSK runs during startup. I have a prog that every-now-&-then causes windows to lock up, causing me to hit the restart button, & would find the experience slightly less annoying if it would just run the scan straight away, without waiting.

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Hey guys,


Just made that change in the registry (phatts420 - I have 11GB of free space on the affected C: partition so should be ok there but thanks anyway :)) and rebooted - as promised, no more CHKDSK ... guess all I need to do now is run some further tests on the drive to make sure there's nothing ELSE wrong! smile


Thanks a million for your help people! smilesmile

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On a similar subject - does anyone know how to get rid of that incredibly annoying 10 second wait when CHKDSK runs during startup. I have a prog that every-now-&-then causes windows to lock up, causing me to hit the restart button, & would find the experience slightly less annoying if it would just run the scan straight away, without waiting.

Type this in command prompt: chkntfs /T:0

(where 0 is the countdown time)

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