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Digital Camera doesn't work under XP

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I've recently upgraded my PC both in terms of hardware and OS. Before, it was a P3 1GHz with an Intel D815EEA mobo and Windows 2000 Pro. My Fuji 2400 Zoom camera worked perfectly. After some initial driver installtion, Windows just saw the camera as a removeable drive when I hooked it up with the USB cable.


Now my PC has an Intel D840MV mobo, P4 1.6GHz and is running XP Pro. I've installed the Intel USB 2.0 drivers for the motherboard, and the Fuji USB software for the camera (have downloaded latest versions from the web). When I connect my camera, it starts going through the motions, recognises the camera correctly, and then displays a message to the effect that my hardware has malfunctioned and won't work properly.


I've tried different ports in the USB hub (it was fine under 2K and my mouse is hooked up via it), and I've tried it in a couple of different ports on the motherboard. I still get the same results.


Does anyone else have one of these cameras working under XP? If so, how did you do it?


The other alternative is that I buy a card reader, and just stick the memory card in that to transfer the pics, but this is a last resort.

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I have a Sony CyberShot DSC-50 connected to my PC under XP pro with no problems. Since the first time i have pluged the USB cable to the cammera XP have recognized it as an external drive unit and works more than fine! Maybe your problem are the USB 2.0 drivers for the Mobo. I also have connected it trough the A/V cable to my ATI All In Wonder Radeon and i use it as a webcam too.

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My keyboard and mouse are USB, and they work just fine. That's not to say that there might be some bizzare conflict between the drivers and the camera though frown

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some cameras dont support usb in winxp (my polaroid)

what i did at first was use adobe photoshop to aquire the photos and d/l em 1 at a time. that worked although it wasnt "supposed" to


then i got a 128 meg cf card so there is no freaking way im gonna d/l 200 pictures 1 at a time. so i got a cf usb card reader.

works *****en and fast as heck.

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Do you have an IRQ assigned to USB?

Erm, not sure. I'll check it.


some cameras dont support usb in winxp

Just what I wanted to hear. Not frown

It's strange as Fuji have drivers on their site for the camera that are designed for XP, so I figured it should work.

Looks like I may have to bite the bullet and buy the card reader mad

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i like the card reader better because it acts like another hard drive

just plug it into the front usb and BAM!

h drive

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I´m still thinking that your problem may be caused by the USB 2.0 mobo´s drivers... have you tryed to uninstall them and check if the camera works? Another question, have you posted a message to the Fuji guys?

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As soon as I plugged the camera crade in to the USB port XP saw the memory. Setting the camera to PC Cam was recognised as new hardware but when pointed at the inf file (XP Updated) reported error missing section in inf. Nothing on Fuji site to help.


I have the same problem with my UMax Astra 1220P scanner. Works fine but XP will not recognise as a scanner.


Any ideas

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I´m still thinking that your problem may be caused by the USB 2.0 mobo´s drivers... have you tryed to uninstall them and check if the camera works? Another question, have you posted a message to the Fuji guys?

I haven't done either of those things.

I did try the camera before installing the Intel USB drivers. When it didn't work with the plain XP drivers, that's when I installed the Intel ones.

I then re-installed the Fuji software just incase.

I checked the IRQ settings, and one USB controller is on 19 on its own, the other is on 23 which it sharing with my 3Com NIC. Device Manager doesn't list any conflicts though, and I would expect them to share quite happily.

I've tried several different ports (the mobo has 4), and I've also tried different ports on the hub (into which it was connected under 2K and it worked fine).

I've just tried it again, and XP reports:

USB Device Not Recognized
One of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognize it. For assistance in solving this problem, click this message.

So no change so far frown

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Tried more stuff last night. Updated software, reinstaled drivers, tried using the Windows 2000 drivers, but still nothing frown


Looks like I'm going to have to get the card reader after all. Grrrrrr mad

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