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Compaq branded 39160: OK to flash with non-Comapq BIOS?

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I was wondering if it's ok to use Adaptec's BIOS to flash a Compaq branded Adaptec 39160? I noticed the card's configuration gui is different from my other Adaptec card (29160).


I am worried that there may be some sort of Compaq proprietary tricks embedded into the adapter, & flashing with a non Compaq BIOS may render the card useless.

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You probably can flash it, if the falseher does not check the board ID.

But I strongly advise you against it. New Bios'es are not magical tools to increase your performance 10 folds etc.

If it was needed, Compaq would have released it.

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I rolled the dice & flashed anyway. I am so glad I did. Now I get the full Adaptec SCSISelect gui. My mobo & Windows see it as a Adaptec, rather than Compaq, card too.


Oh, I peeled off the Compaq sticker as well smile It has identical markings as a friends "genuine" 39160.

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