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On a lighter note

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Dreary Seattle



Its about 15 degrees in here now - just got back from some beers. Absolutly beautiful is what it is.

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It was a beautiful day, tho it suposed to be colder, no Air conditioners needed here, supposidly.


Moving to Hawaii soon tho :P

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Istanbul, 35 yesterday, 33 day before.

29 today and i am grateful.

It is amazing with what you can be grateful.

Try living in london for 7 years and then this! No wonder economy is so bad here.

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i 1st looked at this and said "30??? thats freezing"

then i figured it out

been 35 or so here in san diego all week.

i dont turn the ac on until about 38

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Try living in london for 7 years and then this! No wonder economy is so bad here.

London, man thats hot compared to where i am, try living in Newcastle upon Tyne for 14years. I used to live in $u$$ex about 2year ago and it was hot compared to up here

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London, man thats hot compared to where i am, try living in Newcastle upon Tyne for 14years. I used to live in $u$$ex about 2year ago and it was hot compared to up here

well only thing to top that is, move to istanbul now! Or a better idea. Let's all go race camels in saudi arabia. 60 in the shade. lovellllly!

Just expanding our offices here, guess what i bought first AC!!!

One more thing. Is teher a solar powered AC? has anybody seen or heard one. I think i might design one and sell it to middle east. But then they've got oil in their backyards and enough money to use it as a tissue.

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