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Audigy Weirdness

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I got my Audigy about a week ago. Installed it & everything worked fine - well, ok, so I had the same MP3 skipping thing in Winamp that a lot of ppl have, but as that wasn't the main thing I intended to use it for I figured what the hell, someone's [either Creative or Nullsoft] bound to release a fix or work-around sooner or later. Aside from that, everything was just fine - until today.


I have an ATI Radeon 64MB DDR ViVo - & I use the Video In prog to record programmes if I'm out or asleep. This also worked just fine - until today, although it now seems the change/problem may have actually occurred/started yesterday. Yesterday evening I set it to record a program whilst I went out. Got home, file was there, so I figured I'd watch it today. Went to watch it & there was no sound. I figured that maybe I'd set something wrong, so I tried recording a few seconds of video to see if that would work properly - nope. I checked all my connections - nothing wrong there. I fiddled about with all sorts of settings to try & track down the problem - couldn't find the cause. So I did a System Restore [i'm using XP Pro].


Great news - sound was back....or so I thought. I tried a test recordings, just to make sure it was still ok, but it went back to not recording any sound again. So I fiddled with more settings, & came accross the Creative Surround Mixer. I saw that the Line In was muted, but I thought this was ok, as with my old SV2 I used to be able to have Line In muted just for playback, but would still record ok. Out of sheer exasperation I tried un-muting it, & got the usual feedback whine that I get when Line In isn't muted for playback. I have my PC hooked to my VCR for both recording & playback, as my VCR is connected to my Pro Logic hi-fi, as my Pro Logic Hi-fi doesn't have a spare mode/channel, so when I want to watch something from my PC on my TV I just switch my VCR to auxillary input.


The thing is that now if I want to record with my PC I have to un-mute Line In, & if I want to watch something I've recorded, listen to an MP3, or whatever, I have to mute it again to get rid of the feedback whine. Why is it that I can't mute Line In just for playback? I know I've read something about other people mentioning this in connection to using Radeon AIWs, but I don't have the AIW, I have a 64MB DDR ViVo - & until today/yesterday, it was working just fine.


Anyone have any idea WTF is going on with this????



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just a thought, this is a problem with SB 128, live and many other cards.


Go to windows sound mixer., go to properties, and pick recording.

there you can select which devices you record from....

I hope it helps.

This problem of yours i have seen many times with TV Cards and this being the silly solution has the capacity of driving us nuts! We just can't think uncomplicated i guess!

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Under the mixer, do you have the REC set to "What you hear" or "Line In"? (or whatever the equivalent is for Audigy, I'm using Live!)

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Uykucu: Maybe I didn't explain myself well enough - that is exactly what I used to do, but now it doesn't work. If I mute Line In it mutes it for both playback & recording, regardless of whether Line In is slected as the recording source.


ConQueso: it's set to record from Line In. I didn't change any settings, it was working just fine, then all of a sudden it wasn't & now it's being awkward.

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Yup - like I said - it was working just fine, then without me changing anything it suddenly wasn't.

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