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XP cant see 98 or vice versa

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This is the problem im having in my home network.


i have two 98 machines connected to a hub connected to the XP box acting as a server provideing sharred internet access. Internet access works fine on all machines, and the two 98 machines can see eachother and share files, but they cant see the XP box, or vice versa. I have file and print sharring on all of the comps and files that are shared. On the XP box i created two accounts with passwords so that when i start up the 98 boxes i login to them with those same names and passwords. ( this is i guess how i am supposed to do it, as i have already done this set up with a 2K box and got it to work). anyways, i also turned the guest account on and still nothing. They are all in the same workgroup. TCP/IP is on all. And i first had "NetBIOS over TCP/IP" disabled and that did nothing so then i enabled it and still nothing.


Under XP when i go to "my network places - entire network - microsoft windows network" then into the workgroup "home" i get the error:


Home is not accessible. You might not have permissions to use this netork resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.

The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available.



I tried making it part of another work group name such as "home2" and changed the 98 ones to "home2" as well but still nothing.


Any suggestions would be great





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i had the same problem with Win2K and 98. except that the win2k machine could access the 98 machine, but that couldnt access the 2k machine. When I upgraded to XP Pro I used the 'set-up a small home or office network' button in the My netowrk places folder, and voila. It set up the network, and allowed access to all folders that you share, you can also activate Internet connection sharing aswell.

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ya well i have all the setting for my nic's correct and internet connection sharring is working fine. I just want to be able to see the other pc's now to share files.


I also tried running the "setup a small home or office network" wizard, but it gave me an error saying it could not complete it....?????????


could this be an issue?...... im sure you should be able to set it up manually....




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Make sure ur hub is on and the NIC is not disabled (check in device manager), the other PC shoudl be on aswell. If not then there might be a problem on the 98 machine.

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I would make a lmhost file for each machine and also make sure the XP firewall is turned off for your nic. Also on the XP box goto local policy and setup logging for logon attempts.

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Ok ya, my Xp firewall on my nic was always disabled, so no problem there. Now also when you talk abouit the lmhost file for each machine can you give me info on how to edit that file and an example. i have treid researching it on the net, but no luck. The best i have is this




I dont quite understand it though.


Also when you say i should go on the XP box to "local policy and setup logging for logon attempts" where exactly is that? i cant seem to find it





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OK the LMHost file can be found here:




The file itself has a rather good explaination in it.


The local security policy can be found by going to:


start\settings\control pannel\administratinve tools\local security policy


when the window opens click on local policies then audit policy.


The settings here are just like in NT 4.0.

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Ok it took me some time but i figured out how to use the lm host file as you say.. im sure i set it up right as i had help as well from a freind that knows more about networking then i do.. but unfortunatly we had no luck.. i still can not see the xp machin from the 98 one or visa vera.... im running out of ideas....


thanx for the help so far



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Also, to let ppl konw. i can ping the other two computers from my xp box and from a 98 box i can ping another 98 box, but i cannot ping from a 98 box to the xp box.............and yes i have all firewalls turned off.............wierd....???????


also in the network settings on the 98 boxes under the DNS tab. i put the win98 computers name in the HOST field and then then XP boxes name in the DOMAIN field ... is this right????. i also put for the DNS address the same as the ones i have on the xp box going out to the net( the ones from my ISP).... its this good? i still get nothing when i log on into the 98 machines with corresponding username and passwords.. just the internet is working no file sharring yet........... im stuck



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