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Xp2100 512 Ddr

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Gotta tell somebody... I just built an XP2100 system with 512 meg micron DDR on a K7Npro board for a customer... the whole thing moved like lightning on XP pro, they even opted for Office XP professional. It was just beautiful. A weaker man would have kissed it... There, glad I could get that off my chest. P.S. They are going to use it to check their email... 8) frown

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P.S. They are going to use it to check their email...

To check there e-mail, theres some strange people.

What video card was in this beast?

I am thinking of getting a new board and cpu and putting my xp1800 in with a new board replacing my duron 1.2 and then putting a new cpu where my xp1800 is now, maybe a 2100 or i might wait for the new xp chips to get cheaper.

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The K7Npro is MSI's Nforce board, complete with GF2 shares up to 32 meg video. Don't let the shared part fool you, the performance is nice, comes with Dolby 5.1, takes the DDR standards, and has a nice NIC on it to boot. As I have mentioned before, it runs nicely on 2k, XP and even 9x. Not bad for 125-135 bucks, depending on where you look. Shame on the email part, but the grandkids come out looking real good. laugh

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I love the nForce boards. I am extremly satisfied with my Abit NV7-133R nForce 415 board (no integrated video--I have a GF3). Oh, and this can be found under $90 online...though I bought mine locally, which added a substatial price jump to the board.

People want a fast non-Via solution, it's here people: the nForce. I'll probably upgrade my current nForce board for a Hammer/nForce combo in the future, but that's later on.

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Speaking of new XP processors, which do you (all) think will be the better performer, the latest P4 or AMD's newest chip? I converted to AMD several years ago, though I liked working on Intel up to the advent of the P4. Nasty after that, price verus performance wise. I am a firm believer in what AMd processors can do. I'd stake a duron 750 against any PIII to date. So, will Intel take the lead?

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I have my P4 1.6 GHz Northwood running at 2.4GHz (150x4 Quad FSB), and it smokes. Even in stock trim, the Intels have been running extremely fast and stable.

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I refused to jump ship and stayed with Intel, mainly for stability and the fact that an Intel/Intel set-up shows no compatability issues.

I was one of the few that purchased a S478 non-Northwood P4 and was extremely happy with it's performance.

I'm still using that 1.8Ghz CPU now, although I'm currently eyeing up a 2.26Ghz Northwood B processor as an upgrade.


Intel prices are now nice and low and as Clutch said, even at stock speeds these Northwood CPU's are really quick, reliable and more importantly run nice and cool smile

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I have never had a P4 setup, there prices have came down but they still dont compare to AMD prices. I started with a Cyrix M2 PR300 CPU about 4yr ago and then got a 450Mhz K6-2 AMD, sold that system got a 500Mhz K6-2 and then it went onto a 1.2ghz Thunderbird which became a Duron 1.2 and then a 1800+ Athlon XP so i have had my fare share of AMD experience and to be truthful i still swear by AMD.

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Well sure, AMD looks awesome when you've only had a Cyrix to compare it to... wink

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I got my first AMD when I bought a K6-233. Great CPU for cheap.



THen after a few Pentium 2's and 3's I jumped ship........


to later drown in a sea of VIA.

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