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Recommendations for an ftp /http server

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Hello everyone


In the near future, likely Nov. or Dec, i hope to set up an http /ftp server running off a buisness dsl line from home.


I wasn't too sure as to what i should really put into something liek this.


i can think of simple things for it.


It's main use will be an FTP server, so i was thinking for HD space get 2 x 120 of the WD 8mb cache drives - unless they have bigger by Nov.


But i wasn' too sure about mobo, and such... SCSI - or will ultra 100 /133 do fine?


As an http, it will likely be running a Vb forum (So using MySQL / php) - Also, serving as a host for my friends to host pictures, so they can use outside linking since it is SO hard to find sites that still allow this.


I will be running win 2k server, or adv... (not sure yet,)


So, any and all recommendation would be great.


As for a price range, i would say maybe $1500 - $2k US.

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p4 2.2 ghz OR SO on a DDR Intel Chipset. Get A good video card for cheap like the 4200 GF4 and a ton of good ram.

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Well for that price you can buy the necessary licenses that's it!

As for HW, if you are going to run a forum and such get SCSI. CPU is a non-factor. any a P3 1GHz or above will do, I don't think you can find a slower one.

Bank on Memory. More the better. GFX is a total no-issue. Put a TNT2 or something. This is a server. Nobody is gonna play unreal on it.

You don't even need a monitor or a keyboard really since you can administer any server over network with TSC.


I suggest a good router and NIC.

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kew kew


as for licenses, what do u mean exactly?


i know i need to buy windows, but what else would i need for this?


do i need a license cause i am "renting" hard drive space? or....

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He's just talking about the windows license. Depending on how many client licenses you get, Windows 2000 Server is in the range of $800 to $1500. And forget about Advanced Server - that's about $3500 and up. But unless you are going to get a lot more traffic then what you imply, you would see absolutely no benefit from getting Advanced Server.

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if you have office you can install msde2000 instead of getting the full sql license this will save you like at least 700 bux and you can still run the latest sql.

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You could always use Linux. laugh It'd certainly save you a few pennies.


Note: I'm not a "linux head", I just thought that as this project sounds like it's not really part of an actual business venture, & if you don't want to use :cough: unlicensed MS software :cough:, then Linux might be a viable, & certainly cheaper alternative.

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yes, this is not really a buisness thing,just me running a server, so do i have to have all these licenses? I only need 1 client, cause i am only installing windows on 1 server, thas it. my own personal built server.


I may just got with win2k then, will the license with it not allow me to run an ftp /http server?


i thought i could simply set up a server, use apache, and ftp server, and BAM!


or do i need some other special licenses to simply "host" pictures?


i would try linux, but dunno if i cna learn it that quick., but can alwasy try. smile

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if you have office you can install msde2000 instead of getting the full sql license this will save you like at least 700 bux and you can still run the latest sql.

no MS SQL for me

i will be running MySQL smile

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well if you are running win2k iis is easy enought as long as you have one of the server versions. Pro is limited to ten connections. I use iis for remote admin, http, and ftp on my Windows.NET servers and I works great!

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i didn't know that IIS was limited to how many people can connect


but technicall no one will be connected, just picutres being hosted to forums..


So what exactly is there definition of "connected" , as in someone viewing a web page from IIS?


would a link picture, being shown on another forum 9hosted on my server) be considered a "connection" ?

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well to get a picture a connection would have to be made then dropped.

win2kpro/xppro is limited to ten connections

win2kserver/.NETserver default to 10,000 connections and you can set it to more, so obviously these are the operating systems intended for serving as the name implies. The other option that will probly work if you wanted to run win2k pro is to get 3rd party ftp and http servers. Linux or FreeBSD are also great options.

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well great guys!


iam thinking of trying out apache instead of IIS, and for FTp server i am NOt using IIS, dont trust it, so i will likely be using raidenftp, or ws ftp.







lets talk hardware................ smile recommendations?

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You could always use Linux. laugh It'd certainly save you a few pennies.

That would be my suggestion. Get Linux and the latest versions of mySQL, Apache, PHP, Postfix and ProFTPd. Not only is it cheaper, it's also less hardware intensive than any M$-based solution.

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Do not use IIS period.

Stay away from it like the plague


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I will usually defend MS on thier security, because they provide patches months ahead, but IIS, on Win2000 has been flawed from the beginning. Unless you are an admin completly familiar with it, you shouldn't use it.

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I can see where you are coming from in the familiarity part of it, but it's hard to actually get familiar with something without actually loading it first, right? smile Also, there are enough articles on technet about how to set it up, and one can just get IISLockdown from MS and not have any issues at all. Another good place for IIS info is www.iisanswers.com.

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thnx for the info


i have ehard stories about IIS, but that comes along with any software.


Iwill be checking out apache for sure, and if not, will just be doing alot of reading up on IIS and making it semi secure.

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I am actually recomending Linux for some of these applications.



The world is going to end soon :P

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I will chekc that dos server m8!


as for Linux, frankly i do not know it well enough that if a problem occcurs i could not fix it fast enough, were as i can under windows frown


but am working on pick'n up linux (curretly got red hat 7.2 on a system)

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Do not use IIS period.

Stay away from it like the plague
Yah...ok. We're talking about setting a home based hobby server merely for hosting pictures or whatever, there is no better choice than IIS. Clutch set me up with IIS and 2K Server about a year ago and it couldn't be better. I'm hosting our lan party's website, ftp, forum, and other things from IIS....and it runs flawlessly. Now, if you're worried about security, then think again....because if you're smart, they're shouldn't be anything on your home network hobby system that could ruin your life if somebody got ahold of. Yes, some very rare hacker kid could start hosting a pr0n or w@rez on your server, but that's nothing a simple reformat couldn't fix. Besides, if you properly patch IIS with URLscan, service packs, and the lock-down tool, then you will be fine for running a home based webserver.

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Not to mention Klark can host his own p0rn safely at these parties...



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kew kew



i don't doubt IIS, and it will simply have pictures on it, which i do plan to do back ups, ithough if anything grab a small router or something , also just so i can learn about em too :0


who knows! reading up on apache now smile

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