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Recommendations for an ftp /http server

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I tryed Apache for about 3 hours....Then I woke up and realized, "Why they hell would I want to install and configure Apache, when IIS is already installed, requires almost no configuration, does the same thing as Apache, and does host headers !!"

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Key words are "Clutch set me up"


He knows whats he doing. Or at least he fools us :P


I guess my experience was running a governemt domain, where security was important.


A home based server that your personal stuff is not on, then who cares.


Hell use AOL software. It's all good

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Yah, your flame against my intelligence was really necessary ;(


Yes, Clutch did set me up....with some tips and tricks that only a person of his experience could even comprehend. My network runs flawlessly, nonstop, and without any security worries, thanks to him. And my network is far more than just a couple personal computers hooked together with a hub....sometimes I wish it was that easy. I have other MSCE friends that visit and they all ask dozens of questions when they stop by....they just can't believe it actually works as well as it does. A lot of people start out with Apache simply because it's what they heard from their friend who installs RAM at Best-Buy ;(. So with that said, I have complete trust in a guy that has worked with IIS for years and chooses it over Apache, rather than someone who just doesn't use it because their buddy said it sucks.


Sapiens, I'm not directing any of that directly at you...But I am saying I hope you didn't learn about your favorite alternative to IIS from your friend at Best-Buy:D without actually giving IIS the time it takes to truly realize that it's just as good as Apache. Sometimes your biased opinion is not always the best choice for someone else....Ecspecially when we're talking about someone who is doing it too learn and have fun with a home hobby network.


Yah...It's all good laugh

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Here's my qualifications or my resume.

Worked for a small internet company/microsoft techincal center. We ran Apache for 3 years, and not one problem. Ran a 650 User Goverment Domain in Korea, for the good ole' Department of Defense. We decided not to use IIS because of security flaws. We tested it, and time after time something would prevent us from running it. Of course a DOD run Domain has completly different needs then your average Enterprise situation or small business.

We did run it at My last job, which I was part of a 4 man IT department. THen again it was Win NT and not 2000. We were in the process of going live with 2000 when I left.


First of all I don't have buddies that buy ram at Best Buy, if they know me at all then they have me order it for them. And I know all too well that same buddy that everyone has, that is a know it all.

I'm speaking from experience in the field.


I don't know if anyone here has been in charge of as many computers as I have, and I would dare to say Clutch is probably the only other person that has the experience on here as well.


A perfectly patched IIS may well do the trick, and no one hates linux like I do, but Apache, at least until .NET server is out, might be the best alternative.


We are in the best situations where we can go ask someone in person to help us out, whereas not everyone has that luxury.


Either way I hope it all works out for him.

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I'd like to say something about certifications too. I'm almost done with my MCSE, and I've worked with a lot of folks in the field with certifications out the wazoo(spelling?).


Kinda of like any education, it means nothing without OJT. I can't count the times I have had to explain why or how to do something. Some people have a passion for computing then get thier education, then others get the education first without any real experience.

We had this network guy at my first job, that could not for his life

change a network card out. THis guy had every certification that MS offered.


ANyways just my rant :P


You guys have to pardon me tonight. I had a 2 hour tooth extraction, my head is swollen like a grapefruit and I'm hopped up on prescription drugs too. And too top it all off I beat NWN last night so I have nothing to play now.


How's that for a sob story?

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Well said...


I also know many certified individuals that don't know sh*t....I see them everyday. And it totally disgusts me that they're even getting thru their day without getting fired.


Anyway...Like you and I both said, It's all good !! laugh

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Something else I've noticed - whilst teachers who teach courses with titles like Computer Science or Computer Studies may know their stuff, teachers/tutors who only teach "IT" are [in my experience] the type who'd panic @ the sight of a BSOD. They may know how to format paragraphs in Word & do formulas in Excel, but I've found that all too often they know very little about Windows itself. Maybe they ought to change the name of courses run by ppl like that to "Using MS Office", as to me "IT" includes Windows as well.

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[*]I have been using IIS since 3.0 made it worth my while, so I probably have a bit of a "leg up" on some others smile.

[*]The amount of systems I manage might surprise you

[*]I like my MCSE, because if I hang it from my rear view mirror I can get the best parking spaces at the mall...




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  1. [*]I like my MCSE, because if I hang it from my rear view mirror I can get the best parking spaces at the mall...

    What, the disabled bays? wink

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You might call them "disabled bays" or "handicapped spots", but I call them "convenient".



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I am MCSE, never mention it apart from in your face cases and then along with my degrees. And i dunno where you are clutch but pgood parking spaces in malls are hard to come by, and never saw them being offered to MCSE's! Hell if it works, i will paint my new A6 with it smile


As for the original discussion here. IIS in my opinion is the only real solution. Despite the security problems which are no more (until the next time) if set up properly.

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I can see where you are coming from in the familiarity part of it, but it's hard to actually get familiar with something without actually loading it first, right? smile Also, there are enough articles on technet about how to set it up, and one can just get IISLockdown from MS and not have any issues at all. Another good place for IIS info is www.iisanswers.com.

IIS lockdown is part of IIS 6 on .NET all you have to do is enable what you need and it works great. I love the web based remote admin and terminal features also.

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.NET isnt out yet tho :P

I do look forward to giving it a thorough run down too

Funny you should mention that as I just got my email confirming my address to ship my .NET Server RC1 Kit. This should be fun...


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I would have to agree with Linux as a solution. Get Red Hat or Mandrake, they make it very easy to install and learn.


You can probably get away with a Celeron 500 and Xitami or thttpd. You don't need a fast SCSI drive, just a lot of memory. Also, I would look at Pure-FTP for Linux over ProFTP since they built it with security in mind and it has no exploits to date.


If you go with MS Windows, try Xitami instead of IIS. It also supports acting as an FTP server. As far as licensing is concerned, the 10 limit is on the Microsoft Networking level and if you avoid IIS or anything using Microsoft authentication you don't have to purchase MS Server. It's sad that there's really no difference between the two (workstation and server) and you can convert between them with a simple registry hack (http://www.03am.com/ntswitch.shtml).


Anyways, just make sure that whatever you go with is secure and you can set some bandwidth limits for transfers so spiders or bots or download accelerators are not taking control of your site.

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thnx for the info m8.


i already got the comp built, it is my old one back home, well a p4 1.4 and such, no too old.


i will consider linux, and messing around with it as soon as i got some time too.


As for the limits, and i guess setting it up real scure does any one have any very very good sites? to read up on more info, since this is all new to me. i got the IIS Answers site, any others?

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no MS SQL for me

i will be running MySQL smile

I should point out that at the moment MySQL does not fully support ANSI SQL (including subqueries which can be quite useful) whereas MS SQL does. Next version of MySQL will have this though (so they say). Just thought I'd let you know in case you need such functionality (though it probably won't be a problem).

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If he's primarily going to be operating a message board, and a vBulletin at that, it isn't going to be a problem since most PHP BBS's are written to work within the limitations of mySQL, especially vB which won't operate with anything else (other PHP BBSs utilise a database abstraction layer to work with other SQL servers).

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I should point out that at the moment MySQL does not fully support ANSI SQL (including subqueries which can be quite useful) whereas MS SQL does. Next version of MySQL will have this though (so they say). Just thought I'd let you know in case you need such functionality (though it probably won't be a problem).

PostgreSQL is supposed to support full ANSI and subqueries when I looked at it a while ago, and it's supposed to perform fairly well. Plus, it's free too.


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