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Geforce4 partially working in XP but fully in ME

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I've recently bought an MSI Geforce4 440 MX & installed it on a partitioned system with XP Pro & ME & have problems running games on XP.


Unreal Tournament is the only 3D game that will run under XP, all games work great under Windows ME.


I've updated the Bios to the latest version from Asus & have tried several versions of Nvidia drivers - from MSI & Nvidia - none have made any difference to XP.


Games tested: Unreal Tournament, Grand Theft Auto 3, Max Payne, Medal of Honour, etc, etc,,,,



PIII 1 Gig.

ASUS CUV3X-E Motherboard - with latest Bios.

512MB PC133 SDRam.

IMB Deskstar 80 Gig 7200 rpm Hard Disk.

(Partitioned: 55 Gig XP / 25 Gig ME).

MSI Geforce4 440MX.

Daytek 17'' Monitor.


I have noticed also that display shows AGP running at 2X instead of 4X even after adding the patches & updates from ASUS.



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First thing...install the latest Nvidia drivers, leave it at that...then do you have on the AGP Miniport drivers?


Because my friend has a GeForce 4 with XP and it runs fine...

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Just because a game works under ME does not mean it will work with XP. ME is a huge hack that allows bad programmers to get away with crappy code. XP still feels a bit hacky when you code for it, but poor programming is punished heavily!



If I am condemed to a life controlled by numbers, let it have :

The simplicity of zero,

The sturdiness of one,

The complexity of Pi,

The wonder of infinity,

and the beauty of the Golden Ratio

Anton Clarke - 9/11/2001

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I've tried a few versions of the drivers, up to 29.60, without success.


one thing i have noticed ... on the display panel under driver information in XP there is nothing under mini-VDD whilst in ME it shows the file NVMINI.VXD.


I tried copying this file from ME to XP with no joy.


Is this anything to do with the AGP miniport driver's mentioned by jdulmage?


if so - how do i sort this out.



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