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Janes F-15

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I have tried to install F-15 by running setup.exe under NT 4.0 SP5 compatibility mode (using acompat.exe) but the "Copying files..." progress would go about 2 ticks on the bar and then just seem to be stuck with the CD just spinnning away. Checking TaskManager showed setup to be "Not Responding". The compatibility reports section here indicates it should install this way. Before checking here, I was able to install without any reported errors by just running setup from the Janes splash screen on loading the CD, but it takes at least a half hour and then when I try to run F-15.exe it crashes no matter what mode I set for the shortcut (95, 98, NT4SP5). I had installed the Compatibility Update some time ago, obviously.


Any suggestions? Your help will be greatly appreciated. I really enjoyed F-15 under Win95 but went to Win2K a year and a half ago to avoid Windows crashing at least 3 times a day.





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Im pretty sure it works though, as ive had it working under 2000. Ill dig it out later and give it a go.

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yea im curious. i couldnt get janes f-18 to work under w2k

when i called em they said they dont support nt

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I know Janes says it won't run & isn't supported under Win2K, but it is one of the games on MS's Win2K application compatibility update list. And according to the compatibility report here @ NTCompatible, it will run "fine" in Win98 or NT4 SP5 mode if installed under NT4 SP5 mode using apcompat.exe (off the Win2K CD). I just haven't been able to get that to work and I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong.


BTW, Jerry, Xicat's F/A-18 runs fine on Win2K as long as you have a video card that supports newer OpenGL drivers (the software OpenGL drivers that ship with Win2K won't run it), but it was designed to run under Win2K as well as earlier Windows versions. Only about $20.


Thanks to all for the replies.



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I suggest trying ACT 1.5. I've had much better luck with it than by modifying compatibility mode via the shortcut. For more info, check out my FAQ.


I don't have F-15, but I got Jane's WWII Fighters to run using ACT 1.5, albeit with some graphical anomolies near the horizon. Also, make sure to try out the latest patch for the game, if there is one.

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Well ive lost it frown found F18 though smile


I think i know where it is but ill have to get it tomorrow, i am 99.9% sure though that it does work under 2000.

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Only left-sided CD's over there in your neck of the woods, though, aren't they? wink


Thanks for your interest, M4.

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