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Where does Media Player 8 keep its files?

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Does anyone know where Media Player keeps the database that holds CD track names?


And is it openable by Access or some other similar program?


Failing that, how about WinAmp?

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Dunno about WMP but from what I can tell, Winamp keeps the track titles in a file called in_cdda.cdb that lives in you Winamp plugins directory. It's only partially human readable so depending on what you want to do with it editing it directly may not be an option.

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I'm not worried about directly editing the info in the database, but I would like to export it out of the database into another format (just plain text would be fine, as long as all of the info was present).

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If you download the Windows Media Player Plus Pack one of the extras is:


Windows Media Player Playlist Import to Excel Wizard


Run this, follow the wizard and your whole database can be imported into Excel.

This only works for Excel XP, if you try to do this into Excel 2000 or earlier you'll get an error message of some description.

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I'm not worried about directly editing the info in the database, but I would like to export it out of the database into another format (just plain text would be fine, as long as all of the info was present).
I don't use MP [just a personal preference thing], however I do know that you can make plain text play lists very easily that most progs, including MP, Winamp, etc can read/use. I know this isn't exactly what you were looking for, but if you download a prog called PathCopy [freeware] you may find it very useful.

The way I make up playlists, using PathCopy, is simply to highlight all the files [eg MP3s for an album] & right click on the highlighted area then select Copy Path, then Copy Long Name, then past it into Notepad & save it with the extension .m3u in the same directory. It can also copy the full path & filename incase you want to keep the playlist in a seperate folder - very useful little shell extension indeed.

PS - this works for video files too. smile

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Thanks to all that have replied. I'll have a fiddle with things and see if I can get what I want.



* If anything can show you what & where an app stores information pretty well, it is those 2 applications... Speaking of which, I should load them myself, because I am wondering where exactly it is the IE stores its "AutoComplete" information!


It's in the registry, but it's all encoded. You can't actually read the contents yourself. I can't remember the exact location, but I'm sure a search will turn it up.

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I have seen them in the past, but I can't remember exactly where they live.

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