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I tested/installed the new det drivers 3.64

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not even a .01 performance increase in all opengl games and applications. Did not test d3d performance.


BUT I did notice an improvement in stability. every time I notice any kind of crash, concerning sound, video card, software, I try to write it down somewhere.


My system would halt and crash with some games while changing their resolution and color depth while in game. And I retested those games and now no crash or blue screen. I still hade some issues with unreal BUT the system did not crash and I Was able to kill it using the taskmanager. It only happened once though I tried to duplicate the problem again but it worked flawlessly the second time.


gimme ur feedback as well fellas it helps when I write up these RC reports.

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Upgraded my driver from 3.56 to 3.64 on my RC3 system. Reboot and the system crashed resulting in a re-boot. Starting in save mode to revert to the previous level did not work either. I must admit that during installation of 3.64 Windows gave a severe warning that this driver was not for this device ! This was followed by the Unsigned warning , which is normal. I had to recover my system with the aid of a second w2k platform by means of copying the old modules in their appropriate directories. Big Fun. Next time I install this kind of stuff on a test system first.

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year, i had same problem here with RC2 and TNT 1.


I tried to install 3.64 but win2000 warning me and then restart in VGA safe mode...


I get back to 3.56.


BTW, i have problem with Q3A and glitching 3D artifacts on bottom of screen with 3.56


Seems 3.64 correct this. Too bad.

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The detonator 3.64 Drivers are solely for RC3, if you try intalling them on anything else you will receive many problems, so remember only RC3.


chameleon's win2kbox.8m.com

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Good looking out there Cham.


Im running it on build 2176 and rc3 they seem to work much better for me then the older versions. Sorry to hear about ur bad expereince fellas, hope I didint cause to much trouble with ur box's.



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has anyone found a tnt tweak program.....to adjust gamma, overclocking, and such settings just wondering....i really miss being able to tweak out my nvidia card

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Thanx for the tip chameleon, i didn't know that...


BTW, to correct Q3A glitching, with 3.56 RC2, you should replace the nvoglnt.dll by the 3.64 one ! it works great for me !


But you try to change the nv4_disp.dll and/or nv4_mini.sys it fails at start up...


Hope it will help RC2 users and Q3A fans !

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