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MS is becoming more accomodating these days.

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Its funny to see MS working with Oracle. I guess with PHP and MySQL on the tail of MS in foreign countries they are becoming much more accomo[censored] these days; as well as the release of ASP tools the other day. Just an observation I have noticed lately, nothing good or bad meant by it. I like MS and open source.

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I have always believed MS should open the API's more, and help companies with them, and can still keep most of the WIndows Code thier own

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Well, the article is missing a few things actually. First, ADO.NET is actually an umbrella of connection protocols, and the two main ones are the SqlDataAdapter and the OleDbDataAdapter that are used to connect to databases. The OleDbDataAdapter has a ODBC wrapper of sorts to connect to pretty much any database out there, while the SqlDataAdapter is tuned specifically for SQL Servers 7.0 and up. Also, while MS was working on this particular adapter for Oracle DBs, Oracle is also coming up with its own for .NET developers. It would be interesting to see who has the better performing one of the pair when Oracle releases theirs.

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I would hardly say they are benefiting the the user primarily they are benefiting themselves, the user is just a side-effect. They are just taking advantage of new markets. Spreading their tentacles into every nook and cranny so that eventually they can lock it all down. wink

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