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win2k R3 Voodoo drivers - HELP!!

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I'm running win2k R3 and I was installing all the 3dfx and glide drivers when I happen to say "Yes" to overwrite my current versions of "VOODOO3.DLL" and "VOODOO3.SYS". This is actually NOT what I wanted to do since the included RC3 voodoo3 .SYS and .DLL drivers are most up-to-date.


Could someone who has RC3 PLEASE send me a copy of their VOODOO3.SYS and VOODOO3.DLL drivers?

Files can be sent to robv@sprynet.com..


Thanks a million..


Rob Vreeland

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they are most up to date but they wont help you out as much in glide/opengl/d3d as the ones you used to overwrite the rc3 ones, hy dont you run some tests now and find out since you have the right files installed.

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