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File Backup/Automation Software

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Hi all,


Can anyone recommend any software that perhaps they use that will automate the process of copying files from an XP Client box to a 2000 Server? - What I'm looking for is software that will say copy my entire MP3 folder from the Client to Server at scheduled intervals (as opposed to software like Windows Backup which will attempt to build a backup image from the data).


Hope this makes sense...thanks in advance for any recommendations all smile

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You could just use the AT scheduler if it's a fairly straightfoward job.


From a command prompt, just AT /? to see the available options for it.

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Thanks for the suggestions guys,


I notice theres a 30 day trial of that Second Copy s/w so I'll get that later and try out both options you provided and hopefully one or the other will do it smile


Thanks again....

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This is what I would do. Install at least IE 5.5 offline browsing package on the client. This will give you the sceduled task like in 9X. This is easier then the AT command. Then share your MP3 folder on the server. Next make a batch file to run on the client that will map a drive to the MP3 folder and copy the files.


All poeple have to do is remember the good old days of DOS to get alot of automation done wink

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Yes, you can do some things with DOS, but Second Copy does a lot more than the (x)copy command - such as synchronisation, multiple backup versions of a file, and (like they say in the adverts) much, much more!



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