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New Site?


  1. 1. Sharepoint migration 2010

    • Migrating to Sharepoint 2010

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I do not like the new site. It is way too different from the older one. :x

Also where is the Control Panel? I want to see what messages I have on the forums.

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I like it a lot. Very very clean and easy to navigate. It has the old NT Compatible feel, with a nice fresh look. Good job Philip!

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The speed is great... I'm not sure I like the color scheme so much, but it will probably grow on me...

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Where is the Control Panel? ;(

An user control panel is coming in the next release of phpBB.

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When will the control panel be available. I am glad that you are putting the CP on it.

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I like.


Phillip, are you going to change the default SubSilver style to the old NTCompatible one or leave it as is? I don't really mind either way, I'm just interested.


Just about everything thats in vB's user control panel (save Subscribed threads IIRC. I don't know about you but being alerted by email *every* time someone replied to *any* topic you'd posted in got really annoying) is replicated in the buttons to the right of the NTCompatible image up top.

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The site looks great, the board theme looks good too. I say that the site needed a face-lift, esp. since we're in the XP-age smile For more than 2 years it's been the same, so this change is welcomed.


Good job Philly boy!

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It has grown on me, and its much cleaner and faster.


Cool_as laugh 8)

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Yeah its kinda grown on me as well, can we have avatars now? laugh

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