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Grand Prix 4 doesn´t work on my Geforce 2 GTS

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I have a friend who has an ASUS-7700 Geforce 2 GTS Deluxe in a Pentium III. The CPU should be working at 800 Mhz, the top speed that both board and processor should take. However, since he has an ASUS MB that allows overclocking, his CPU current speed is 866 Mhz.


Until now, that's ok... but I entered the boot setup just to check it's temperature... and it frequently passed the 70 ºC!!!!!!!! In fact it rarely went down that value!!! Isn't 70 ºC a little to much??? I mean... I think that any processor is supposed to handle fine until 50, or 60 ºC on AMDs, although the "dissipator" (don´t remember the technical term, sorry) temperarure should be around 45 ªC. And I'm supposing that temperature was not from the core of the CPU, because I think that if it was, it should be burned by now...


The PC has Win 98 installed and it worked fine while I was there... He doesn't have many complaints about stability or errors. Except one: Grand Prix 4. frown


All other games work no problem! Max Payne, SOF 2, GP3, GTA 3, all you can imagine except the fabulous GP4! 8)


When the game trys to calibrate the graphics, the screen remais dark, like if it was turned off, the cdrom stops spinning, and the computer just hangs and must be rebooted. I went to ASUS' site and downloaded the latest drivers for his card (version 6.31 I think) but that didn't do nothing... I did the same to the SB Live! but that also didn't work at all.


Does anybody have the same problem??? Or similar??? Does anybody have a clue on this?? Please Help

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Some boards dont tell yu the temp correctly, so thats probably what it might be....

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Has your friend tried installing the Via-4in1 driver package?


It fixed many agp problems for me when I tried to play games



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I don´t know... i will ask him. Probably he did because all other games work well. But it might be a good ideia getting the most recent Via drivers. Thanx Chunny!

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