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Ultra-Violet Cold Cathode or Neon Light

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Hi guyz,


I am moving soon and want to do my comp up to be a big feature of my room, so i have been of thinking of buying a chieftech Silver Case with a side window mod and i would also like a light put in but i am wondering if the Ultra-Violet Cold Cathode Lights are better than the Neon and what the advantages and disadvantages are?



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Well, you tend to find that Cathodes give out much more light than neons, but they need a seperate invertor. Neons have invertor built in. Cathodes are also more expensive than Neons.


You pays your money and takes your choice.

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I personally like the cold cathodes myself, but I would suggest making sure it has a switch to turn it off if you leave the system on 24/7.

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What is this a new sign for your peep-show or your kwik a mart???

This is a computer you are talking about. I am all for mods (i sell computers in any colour they want etc.) but there is such a thing as overdoing it in my opinion.

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