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MCSE Accreditation - is it worth the hype

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I ask this question as a job I'm thinking of applying for lists MCSE accreditation in the Selection Criteria (also asks for Tertiary Quals) but only pays $AU46k.


This is the only point in the criteria that I would not easily cover. All the other criteria listed, I could cover standing on my head and this leads me to believe that they are simply listing the MSCE to weed out serious people from tyre kickers.


It is a PC support role in the public service dealing with hardware, software etc (you know the deal).


I am going to apply for the position but am wondering how disadvantaged I would be by not having an MCSE? I have always scored well in the practise exams I've done so I figure I would have 60% of the knowledge req'd for an MCSE but due to where I live it's really hard for me to get it done. About the only thing I have had limited exposure to is AD but I know my way around Win2k/XP, NT4/2k server & Exchange enough not to get lost.


What do you think?

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if 100 people were applying (including you in that number) and 99 of them had MCSE and you were the only one that didn't, then I could see you being at a disadvantage.


However, i don't think that would be the case and you shouldn't be handicapped at all by that. I don't know why they expect MCSE for something as simple as hardware and software support. I don't even (or plan to) have a single year of university/college experience and I run a business based on computer sales and support without a hitch, no MCSE, no big ass degrees, nothing. Frankly, wasting your time for a piece of paper that tells you how great and wonderful you supposedly are isn't worth it.


Go for it.

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Whenever applying for a job, it doesn't hurt if you go for one that you might have some missing qualifications for. As for having the MCSE; yes it helps in many cases and they are probably asking for it because there are so many more tech workers looking for jobs now that have experience and education/certification since the dot-bomb layoffs.

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