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W2K and Quake 3 - Gamma Slider - Does it work now?

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Anyone who is running a build of W2K and Quake3 couls you tell me if the gamma slider in the system\video settings is working under W2K. The last time I installed W2K and tried the beta version of Q3 the gamma slider was not working does anyone know if the full version is working now or is there a way to increase the gamma in the game.





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I actually had the same problem. although I never tested it with the full version of quake, i assume the demo is just as good.


What I discovered is that the gamma slider only registers in the first third of the slider. so if you mouse click on the latter two thirds, the screen would get really dark. But if you click all the way to the left(the darkest) and use the keyboard to shift right, the gamma actually works and only works up to the first third(meaning it'll get brighter and brighter and stop getting brighter after it passes the first third of the bar).


I'm not sure if this is so for other video cards or setups. I am running


guillemot xentor32 ultra

win2k rc3 2183

nvidia 3.64 drivers

bp6 dual 366@561


does this work for anyone else or did i just luck out?

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