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Need some laughs? Check out this thread

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This is EXACTLY what GLSetup (anyone remember that?) was for. A 40MB download of all the recent drivers and OpenGL MCDs, ICDs, and wrappers for all of the most common cards. It's a shame that it didn't stick around for distribution with these games...

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Yeah can someone send me the opengl subsystem please ;(

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You expect intelligence from modern PC gamers? The days when PC gamers had to know more than just how to switch their machines on are well and truly gone (which is both a blessing and a curse at the same time).

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In the IT field we laugh at ourselves more so than others. I know I do.


I just posted an amusing thread...I really don't see the problem. wink



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ooooohhh laugh

fight fight fight smile


Seriously though, its a pretty funny thread, just goes to show how many people have problems with things like this. Its really why consoles are so much better for the average person, because people dont have to worry about things like drivers.


Anyhoo, maybe someone should go help them, all they need to do is install the respective drivers smile

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Actually, there are several responses where people have actually done such, yet other persons (referred to as "morons") don't read or pay attention to these responses and simply ask for someone to hold his or her hand all the way through.

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Actually thats what ive found recently, ppl just think "ooohh computer dont work....must call IT, instead of pushing the power button" ppl really need to use some initiative frown

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Actually thats what ive found recently, ppl just think "ooohh computer dont work....must call IT, instead of pushing the power button" ppl really need to use some initiative frown

Yes but then we will have serious trouble finding something to take piss out of.

Also, you are a site admin or something like that, imagine all your users take the initiative and start messing about with your route tables, FW Rules or Exchange settings etc. (I know they can't but for the sake of argument).
Wouldn't this make your job easier? and much more fun (not to mention verry intersting)
I think we will have a new terminology "IT Supportal" or something with reference to "postal"


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I think this forum is filled with good users and that there is no need for mudslinging here.

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In reference to above:

*cough*permissions*cough* wink

I intend to make a real life experiment someday. I will give all the users admin rights and see what happens smile

Bets are open to how long the network will have integrity!

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