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I would like to overclock my computer. Does anybody know how to do it? I would like it to be a very easy to do. I know that my processor is an Athlon 1.4, but I do not know what it is. What I mean is that I do not know if it is a T-bird or whatever other names of processors there are. All I know is some of the specs which is located @ http://www.hp.com/cposupport/personal_computing/support_doc/bph06794.html#P7_160. smile THANKS!!!!

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I very much doubt youll be able to overclock it at all, just because its a prebuilt HP pc and they usually prevent overclocking on those kind of pcs.


Its either going to be in your bios, or on the motherboard itself in the form of jumpers or dip-switches.


If its in the bios, youll need to look for multiplier/front side bus (FSB) and voltage adjustments.


If its on the board then you should have a manual to show you which jumpers/switches to change in order to change the speed.


But there is like a 99% chance that you wont be able to OC is, just because it is an HP prebuilt machine. smile


Its actually kinda a shame, as acording to those specs, your cpu is a 1400/200fsb, but the memory is capable of 133. So in theory you could just take the multiplier down to 10.5 and stick the fsb up to 133 and it would be faster smile

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One problem: the KT133 never was able to run an FSB of 133. Most people were lucky to see much past 110MHz.

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Sorry didnt read that very well, thought it was the A frown

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if u want to overclock, build your own system smile HP and that puts blocks on to avoid people calling them saying "my computer doesn't work why? I want a new one, because their kid decided to O/C the system smile (not saying your a kid, just an example)



but u can check out



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Yeah, that is what I have been told. I am going to get an Asus A7A266 or Asus A7A266-E. The reason is because it takes SDRAM and DDR and it has been reviewed very well on OCing. laugh

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Sounds good, let us know how it goes.



when my p3 933 asus board died i wanted to get one of the asus 370 boards that had DDR support (266), would be sweet for o/c'n smile

but could not find one around frown

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I know how that goes about not finding a mobo. I was looking for the Asus A7A266 because it supports SDRAM and DDR. I really didn't want to go out and buy DDR when I just bought 512mb SDRAM.

Anyways, if you know where I can find it for cheap (talking $50 USD) please tell me or if you know of any other mobo that is nice and supports both SDRAM and DDR. Please tell me. Thx. 8)

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